The Rapture- Part 1

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This better not be another one of your dreams. When will Amara learn that you don't need her in your life, and she doesn't need you wherever she is. She may not even be real, and something was just messing with your mind for all you know. These nightmares were really starting to get to your brain, and you didn't know how to stop them.

Looking around the abandoned road, you didn't see a car coming which made you think you would be out here for a while. Nothing to your life, and silence to your right. The wind was silent, but you knew someone was there, watching you. Their eyes were burning holes on the back of your head, and you knew who it was.

"How many times do I have to say this, Amara, leave me alone! I don't want you here!" you yelled before turning around. However, she didn't stand there, Castiel did.

"You're having dreams about her? She's been inside your head?" he asked with a shocked voice.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, changing the subject. Castiel would have argued more about it, but he was on a time crunch. There is something he needed to say before he was ripped away.

"We need to talk. It's not safe here, someplace more private."

"More private? We're in my head."

"Exactly. Someone could be listening."

"Castiel, what's wrong?" you asked, concerned for the angel.

"Meet me here," he said as he handed you a piece of paper with an address on it. "Go now."

Gasping awake, you knew Castiel was in danger otherwise he would have come to you if he needed you. Looking over at Sam and Dean, you rushed to get up, slapping their legs. Due to being light sleepers, they were up even before you touched them.

"What is going on?" Sam mumbled as Dean groaned.

"Come on, we have to go. Castiel is in trouble."


Walking through the warehouse, you looked for any sign that Castiel was even in here. Since it was the middle of the night, the place was dark, eerie, and silent.

"Well, what did he say, Y/N? What was so important?" Sam yawned.

"If I knew, would I be here?" you asked as you approached a set of stairs before ascending them.

"I believe her, if she says he was in trouble, then we go look for him," Dean declared. Sam shut up and decided to follow you and his brother since you two knew Castiel better than he did. Upon entering the room, you noticed everything was to ruins, it was like a bomb went off in the place and no one had time to clean it up.

"What the hell," Dean muttered when he saw the mess.

"It looks like a bomb went off," Sam spoke your thoughts.

"There was a fight here," you observed, noticing a small fire going on in the background. Electricity sparked loudly, causing you three to jump in surprise.

"Between who?" Sam asked. Rounding a corner, you noticed something red on the wall. Shining your flashlight on it, you backed up to see the symbol that Anna painted with her blood to send the angels away.

"Check it out. Look familiar?" you asked.

"Yeah, it does."

"Anna used something like that to wish the angels back to the cornfield," Dean spoke.

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