Jump the Shark- Part 2

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Looking at the framed picture of Adam and John wearing baseball caps, you knew this guy wasn't lying. This might be hard for Sam, but it was devastating for Dean. He looked up to the man his entire life, and you never knew about this.

"He took you to a baseball game?" Dean asked as if he'd been punched in the gut.

"Yeah, when I turned fourteen. Dad was around for a few of my birthdays," Adam nodded. Sam flipped through John's journal before reading one of the passages.

"September twenty-ninth, two thousand four. One word. 'Minnesota',"

"He took you to a fucking baseball game?" Dean asked, still hung up on that.

"Dean," you whispered, putting a hand on his chest to at least calm him down before sliding that down to his hand and taking it gently. Adam noticed this but didn't say anything.

"Yeah," Adam took back the picture and put it back where he got it from, "why? What'd Dad do with you on your birthday?"

"Adam, you said you called Dad because your mom was missing," Sam said, trying to steer the topic off John being a shitty father to the three of you. "How long has she been gone?"

"Three days."

"Who was the last person to see her?" Dean asked in a much calmer voice.

"Mr. Abbinanti, our neighbor. He saw her come home Tuesday night, but she never showed up to work on Wednesday," he explained, but you noticed something behind the kid. A picture of John and Adam's mom, Kate. She looked a lot like Mary in this photo which made you think John impregnated her for other reasons.

"Did you call the police?" Sam asked, bringing you back to reality.

"Mom's supervisor at the hospital did, and then I drove down here as fast as I could," he paused. "I should have been here."

"What'd the, uh, what'd the cops say?" Dean asked distractedly, having seen the same picture as you.

"That they, uh, they searched the house. They didn't find anything. She wouldn't leave without telling anybody. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, you know?"

"Adam, you mind showing us her room? Or wherever she disappeared from?" you asked and he nodded. Following him up the stairs, you brought Dean along since you were still holding his hand. Sam went a different direction, but you took Dean to her room. Adam wanted to know what Sam was up to, so he followed him once he pointed to the right room. Now that you two were alone, you could talk to him.

"Dean," you sighed. He walked over to the dresser to see two pictures: one of Adam, Kate, and John and another one of Kate with a very young Adam.

"It's not fair," he sighed.

"I know," you said as you kissed his shoulder, but heard a creak come from behind you. Both of you turned around to see Adam standing there with his hands in his jacket pockets.

"The, uh, nightstand was knocked over. Was there anything else?" Dean asked.

"Oh, not really. The sheriff said there's no sign of a break-in," Dean scoffed lightly at that. "What, you think the cops missed something?"

"Maybe. Yeah. They don't have our eyes," Dean motioned to you.

"You're both mechanics," Adam said, confused.

"Yeah. That's right," Dean nodded.

"Dean, Y/N, what else can you tell me about Dad?"

"You knew him," Dean said sternly which made you sigh.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora