Monster Movie- Part 2

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"It just grabbed him," Anna-Marie said as she slurped loudly from her cup. When you three woke up this morning, you heard of another death in the town, but this time it wasn't a werewolf. "It just tore Rick into little pieces."

"Ma'am, we understand how hard this is, but can you describe the creature?" Dean asked. Thanks to this fucker, you had to keep your hair down because of all the marks he made on your neck. Makeup could only go so far, and he wanted to let everyone know you were his.

"Oh, it was a werewolf."

"A werewolf? You sure?" Sam asked.

"Oh, yeah. With the furry face, the black nose, the claws, and the torn-up pants and shirt. Like from the old movies."

"Um..." Sam was at a loss for words, and so was his brother.

"Well, okay, thanks for your time," you said after a moment of silence.

"Sure," she nodded just as you and the brothers got up.

"This better not be another Dracula thing," Sam muttered on his way out of the diner.

"The morgue will be able to give us that answer," you said with a sigh.


"So, first a Dracula and now a full-on movie time Wolf Man? What the hell is going on in this town?" Dean asked after he slapped on some gloves. Sam shrugged as he opened the storage drawers and pulled out the body of Rick. As soon as he did, the smell of the rotting flesh was so potent, you had to cover your nose in disgust.

"Damn!" you and Dean said.

"Alright, whatever did this wasn't a psycho wannabe," Sam said, reaching down with his pencil before pulling out some shredded flesh.

"Look at the bite marks," you noted. "Right down to the bone, and deeper."

"Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb. Could be a werewolf," Dean shrugged.

"Yeah, except, look. The heart's still there in one piece. They never leave the heart behind."

"Thus, I reiterate—what the hell is going on?"

"I was hoping you three could tell me," the Sheriff asked. Turning around, you saw him enter the morgue. "I just got a rush job back from the lab on those fibers we found on the body. Canine. Wolf hairs."

"I'm getting a headache," Dean muttered.

"Thanks, Sheriff," you smiled, taking off your gloves. Time to figure out what the hell is going on in this town.


Taking a bite of your sandwich, you looked at Sam and Dean who sat across from you. Back at the bar Jamie works at, you decided some beers would be the perfect cure for the tough time you three were having.

"I don't know, it looks like we've stumbled onto a midnight showing of Dracula meets Wolf Man. Is that it?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. I mean, Wolf Man seems real enough. Makes Dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess."

"Yeah, but werewolves don't grow wolf hair. That's just a myth," you counterargued.

"So, what? We've got a vampire and a werewolf monster mashing this town?" the older brother asked just as you spotted Jamie come over with another round of beers.

"Looks like you guys are staying a while. I heard about Rick Deacon," she sighed.

"Yeah, this case just got weird enough for our department," you said.

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