I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 1

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"Sweetheart, you have to talk to me. I am sorry for what I did, okay? I just thought you would enjoy it," Dean sighed for the thousandth time.

"Enjoy dying?" you snapped at him, still pissed at what he did. Even though you were well over with the case, you were still upset with what he did. Whenever you three had a witch case, all he talked about was how much he hated witches. He didn't think you were listening, but you were. Every single comment made you feel worse about yourself. He loathed the part of you that was supernatural which meant he loathed your relationship. This past case proved that to you.

"If I had known that this was going to do to you, then I wouldn't have wished for that," Dean sighed. Looking at Sam who was playing a stranger in pool, you got tears at his words.

"It's not about the death, Dean. You made a mistake, I get it. Do you really hate the thought of me being a witch? Do you want me to be like you? A human, not a monster?" you let one tear fall before getting out of your seat. Dean sighed once he was alone, not knowing how he was going to fix this. He knew what he did upset you, but he didn't know just how much.

Walking to the bathroom, you needed a few minutes to be alone, to think about everything. The things that you could do scared you badly. Never in a million years did you think you were able to possess the powers you do. When you became a hunter, you vowed to kill every evil thing there was, and thanks to John, he made it seem like everything supernatural was evil. But, you weren't evil. You still had feelings and regrets and doubts. You kill bad people, not good ones. Does that make you evil? A monster?

Turning on the facet, you splashed some water onto your heated skin. Once you got a few bad thoughts out of your mind, you decided to join the brothers again. Walking out of the bathroom, you turned the corner to see Sam and Dean on the other side of the bar, talking to someone. With them in your path, you didn't know who it was before she became visible.

Every nerve in your body flared up, and you couldn't stop yourself from storming over. Nothing stood in your way of you and Ruby. The people you passed stared at you, glad that they weren't on the receiving end of your death glare. As soon as Dean turned and saw you, he nudged his brother to prepare for the fight.

Dean immediately rushed to you, and as soon as he neared, you shoved him out of the way. Nothing was going to stand between you and Ruby.

"Y/N, stop," Sam said, trying to stop you.

"Get out of my way, Sam," you growled as you pushed him to the side. Ruby looked into your eyes and she visibly shook, terrified of you. She was scared of the things you could do. If you knew your real potential, you could easily kill her with one snap.

"I ought to kill you," you growled. Dean placed his hands on your shoulders before pulling you away from the demon. Shrugging out of his grasp almost immediately, you crossed your arms as your eyes narrowed. Dean was getting pissed at your behavior. Yeah, he knew you were upset, but he's apologized to you a million times. When are you going to let this go?

"I just have some info, and then I'm gone," Ruby said.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"I'm hearing a few whispers."

"Ooh, great, demon whispers. We'll trust you now," you snapped. Ruby stared at you for a few seconds before looking at Sam.

"Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter-egg hunt."

"Why? Who is she?"

"No idea, but I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to capture her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do."

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