Sex and Violence- Part 1

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Darkness. Black everywhere you look. Wherever you are, you know you aren't safe. Sam and Dean come to mind, but they are nowhere to be found.

"Sam! Dean!" you yelled, hoping to attract someone's attention.

"Don't bother. They aren't here," she said, making you roll your eyes in annoyance.

"Leave me alone!" you yelled, turning around to face Amara who just smiled at you. "I don't want you here!"

"But, I'm already here."

"No, no you're not. Whatever you think you know about me, drop it. I will not let you use me. Just stay out of my head!"

"It's the only way we can talk. The only way I know you're safe."

"Safe from what? Everyone is telling me to stay away from you!"

"Yes, my nephews and nieces do make it clear how much trouble I am. I can assure you, I'm not the bad guy here. Our bond is stronger than any force you know. I can protect you from where I am."

"And where is that?" you asked as you threw your hands up in frustration.

"Somewhere far away. But even then, I can make sure you will live a long life, ready for me when I get out. The ties you have to me are thick, nothing can penetrate those walls. No magic in the world will ever be strong enough to take you down. No magic or force in the world will ever be able to break my wall of protection.

"Don't you understand what is happening here? I am getting you prepared because a lot of fights are coming your way. You're going to need me when the time comes. I am going to need you. Together, we can do anything. I need you ready for that."

"Get out of my head!" you yelled, making her disappear.

Gasping awake, you heard the sound of a car honking in the distance. Due to your disturbance, Dean was also woken up who you had been sleeping under you. Looking around, you saw Sam's bed already made but found him in the bathroom with the door half-open. He was talking on the phone in hushed whispers making you wonder who was on the other line.

Opening your mouth to speak, Dean placed his hand over it to silence you so he could hear what his brother was saying. It was no secret that Sam had been keeping things from you and his brother, and this might be able to tell you exactly what.

"Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. No storms, no bad crops, nothing... Yeah, okay. We'll keep looking. You keep looking too, OK?... Alright. Talk soon," he said as he hung up. Dean quickly closed his eyes, pretending to never have woken up, and you do the same. If Sam was keeping something from you, then it must have been bad so you needed to figure it out before something bad happens.

Sam looked at you and his brother before exiting the bathroom, going over to your bed before sitting on his. He stared at you two before lightly slapping your leg before moving onto Dean's.

"Hey. Up and at 'em," he chuckled. Opening your eyes, you looked at Dean that held the same emotions as yours. As to not disturb the peace, you looked over at the clock before sitting up.

"You're up early. What are you doing?" Dean asked.

"Nothing. I was in the can."

"Yeah?" you wondered in a slightly accusatory tone.

"Yeah. You want me to draw you a picture?"

"Nah, we'll pass."

"Found a job. Bedford, Iowa. Guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer, and get this, third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of 'em, all happily married."

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