Jump the Shark- Part 4

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After shooting practice was over, you four went back to Adam's house where Sam taught him of different monsters and how to kill them. You and Dean sat in the kitchen as you watched.

"So, then we lit it on fire," Sam explained.

"With a homemade flamethrower?"

"Yeah. They're easy to build. I'll show you."

"That is some job you got, man," Adam chuckled.

"Being a hunter isn't a job, Adam. It's life. You're pre-med. You got a girlfriend, friends?" Sam asked, and Adam nodded. "Not anymore you don't. If you're really gonna do this, you can't have those kinds of connections, ever. They're weaknesses. You'll just put those people in danger and get them killed. That's the price we pay. You cut 'em out, and you don't look back. There's only one thing you can count on. Family."

"Sam," Dean interrupted. "Can we talk to you?" Dean got up and walked into the front room where the stairs were. Sam got up and followed, and you were about to do the same when Adam stopped you once more.

"I've been meaning to ask you... what are you?"

"You mean my powers, right?" you asked and he nodded. "A witch, but one of the good ones. Excuse me." You left Adam to think about that to join the brothers who were in the middle of their conversation.

"'Hunting is life. You can't have connections'. Dad gave you that exact same speech, remember? It was just before you ditched us for Stanford. You hated Dad for saying that stuff, and now you're quoting him?"

"Yeah, well, turns out Dad was right," Sam said as you joined Dean's side.

"Since when?" you scoffed.

"Since always, When I look at Adam, you know what I see?"

"A normal kid?"

"No. Meat. Because the demons and monsters out there, that's all he is. I hated Dad for a long time. I did. But now I think I understand. So we didn't have a dog and a white picket fence. So what? Dad did right by us. He taught us how to protect ourselves. Adam deserves the same."

"Listen to yourself, man."

"You think I'm wrong?"

"I think it's way too late for us," you answered.

"This is our life. This is who we are, okay, and it's fine. I accept that. But with Adam, he's still got a chance, man. He can go to school. He could be a doctor," Dean finished your thought.

"What makes Adam so special?"

"What, are you jealous of the kid?" you sassed.

"Are you?" he sassed right back which made you glare at him. "Dean, Y/N—all this—it's not real. The dad Adam knew—he wasn't real. The things out there in the shadows—they are real. The world is coming to an end. That's real. Everything else is just part of the shit people tell themselves to get through the day."

"Dad didn't have a choice with us, okay? But with Adam, he did. Adam doesn't have to be cursed."

"He's a Winchester. He's already cursed."

"No. No, whatever's hunting Adam, I'm gonna find it," Dean declared.

"You already looked everywhere, Dean."

"Then we'll look again," you said before walking with Dean out of the house. You two were pissed about everything that was happening, but you were going to put an end to this starting with the tomb. There had to have been some kind of evidence. The director said that it was locked the whole night, and no one but him had a key to it which meant whatever attacked, came from the inside.

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