Heaven and Hell- Part 3

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"Look at that. It's so cute when monkeys wear clothes," Uriel said to you just as you left Dean in the car. Dusting off your clothes, you looked at Uriel, and wondered how he found you and everyone else. If those hex bags didn't work, you were going to tear Ruby a new one. Looking back at the car, you saw yourself sleeping there with Dean, naked.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" you asked as you looked back at the angel.

"It's the only way we could chat... since you're hiding like cowards."

"Not cowards, no. Just trying to figure out what to do next to beat your asses. Where's your boss?"

"Castiel? Oh, he, uh... He's not here. See, he has this weakness. He likes you. Time's up, witch. We want the girl."

"Wouldn't try that if I were you. See, she got her grace back. Full-blown angel now," you said, hoping that it would work.

"That would be a neat trick, considering," Uriel showed you the necklace he was wearing, "I have her grace right here. We can't let Hell get their hooks into her." Staring at the necklace, you remembered Dean's words echoing in your mind. Figure out a way to bring the Angels here.

"Then give her back her Grace. Hell won't be able to touch her."

"She committed a serious crime."

"What, thinking for herself?"

"This is our business, not yours. She's not even human... Not technically."

"Yeah, well, I guess I just like being a pain in the ass," you smirked as you crossed your arms.

"Well, it's your last chance. Give us the girl, or we drag Dean back to Hell. This is a whole lot bigger than the plans we got for your boyfriend. He can be replaced."

"You're bluffing," you whispered, clearly scared that he might.

"Try me," he smirked.

"You know what, this isn't my fight. You want her? You can have her," you said, giving him the exact information he needed.


"I don't know, man. Where's Ruby?" Sam asked with a sigh. The next morning, after you and Dean got decent, you hesitated to tell him what you did. However, when you learned she purposefully got snatched by Alastair, you came clean.

"Hey, she's your Hell buddy," Dean scoffed as he drank from his flask.

"What are you drinking?" you asked.

"Hey, it's 2 am somewhere."

"No, I mean give me some," you said as you took the flask from him and down a shot. Suddenly, the doors busted open, and Castiel and Uriel walked in with straight faces.

"Hello, Anna. It's good to see you," Castiel said once he landed his eyes on the redhead.

"How? How did you find us?" Sam asked, getting into character. All eyes were on you to keep up the façade.

"I'm not sorry," you said as you moved closer to Dean.

"You did the best you could. I forgive you," she said to you before turning to her friends. "Okay. No more tricks. No more running. I'm ready."

"I'm sorry," Castiel said with no emotion.

"No. You're not. Not really. You don't know the feeling. Orders are orders. I know. Just make it quick," Anna said. Suddenly, three demons appeared, two of which were Alastair and Ruby. Bingo, this is just what you wanted.

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