It's A Terrible Life- Part 4

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Entering the elevator, you slung the duffel bag over your shoulders as Dean took out his phone.

"Set your cell phone to walkie-talkie in case we get separated," he instructed, you and Sam doing just that.

"How the hell are we gonna find some ancient speck of DNA in a skyscraper?" Sam asked.

"Well, that creepy storeroom used to be Sandover's office, right?" you said before Dean pressed the 14thbutton. Once the doors opened, you went back to the room where the man was trapped before starting your search. Following Dean behind some shelves, you looked through the boxes until you heard the door open.

"What the hell are you doing here?" the security guard asked. Dean immediately ducked out of sight, tugging on your arm for you to do the same. Sam tried to get out of this, but the guard led him out of the room, letting you know it was safe to come out.

"What now?" you asked.

"Keep searching. Sam can handle that on his own," Dean said as he went back to looking. Doing the same, you shuffled through some files before finding a picture of the Sandover bridge.

"Check this out," you said before handing over the picture.

"I think I know where the remains might be," Deans aid before leading you out of the storeroom. Taking out your phone, you went to contact Sam, but he beat you to it.

"Y/N, Dean, you there?"

"Yeah, listen, I think I got it. Meet me on twenty-two," Dean said once you held the button down.

"Okay, yeah. Just, uh, take the stairs," Sam chuckled. Frowning, you decided to listen to him. After going to floor 22, you waited for Sam who showed up with blood all over his shirt.

"Whoa. That's a lot of blood."

"Yeah, I know."

"Somehow, this doesn't surprise me," you chuckled.

"Right. So, uh, in there," Dean pointed to a glass case containing a pair of Sandover's gloves. "How much you wanna bet there's a little smidge of DNA in there? You know, like a fingernail clipping or a hair or two? Something."

"Go for it," Sam said. Taking your poker, you smashed the glass and removed the excess. As soon as you did, the air became cold, and your breath was visible. Before anyone could do anything, Sandover appeared behind Dean and threw him into a wall. Doing the same to you, you groaned when your back hit the corner of a wall. Groaning, you opened your eyes to see the ghost advancing on Sam, but Sam thought quick and threw a salt canister at the ghost, making him dissipate.

"Oh, nice," Dean chuckled as the two of you got up. Walking over to the gloves, you felt someone behind you. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the ghost before you swung your poker right through him, making him dissipate. This thing could literally appear from anywhere which is does.

First, it appeared behind Dean, and when he went to attack it, it flickered away only to appear behind Sam. Doing the same thing, it appeared in the center of you three before throwing Sam into the wall, hitting the light fixture. Before you had a chance to react, he threw you and Dean across the hall and into the wall.

Groaning, you slid down it to see the ghost flicker away only to appear right in front of you and Dean. Something came over you, and you had the sudden urge to protect Dean using magic.

"I'll protect you," you said as you held your hand out. A flicker of blue magic appeared on your fingers but died out soon after.

"How did you do that?" Dean whispered as the ghost came closer with his electrified hands.

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