Death Takes a Holiday- Part 3

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Approaching the house, you walked right through the front door before heading up the stairs. A woman's voice could be heard from inside what you assumed to be Cole's room, and she sounded in so much pain. A soccer ball was thrown against the door as she escaped, going right through the three of you.

As soon as Cole saw you, he began throwing different kinds of sports balls, and you raised your hand to stop him, but your magic didn't work over here.

"Who are you?" Cole asked once he had no more balls to throw.

"It's okay, Cole," you started to say.

"How do you know my name?"

"Look, this isn't gonna be easy to hear, but... you're—dead. You're a spirit. Us too," Sam spoke slowly.

"Yeah, thanks, Haley Joel. I know I'm dead. What do you want?"

"We just want to talk," you said gently.

"About what?"

"Was that your mom?" you tried a different tactic which seemed to work. The child sighed before nodding soulfully. He didn't say a word as he walked past you, apparently to go see her wherever she was. Following his lead, you walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where she was clearly in pain. Cole didn't seem to see that.

"I was outside all morning," Cole started speaking about how he died even though you didn't ask him to. "They tell you to be careful when it's cold."

"Cold air can cause an asthma attack?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, but then I was in my room. It happened so fast. I called out for my mom, but nothing came out. Everything started spinning, and then I was just standing there, looking down at my body."

"And that's when you saw the man?" you asked.

"Creepy old guy in a black suit. He wanted me to go with him, but," he looked back at his mom, "I didn't want to go."

"How did you get rid of him?" Sam asked.

"I didn't. The black smoke did."

"Black smoke?"

"It was everywhere. I hid in the closet, and when I came out, it was gone, and so was he."

"Do you know where it went?" you asked.

"No. But I know where it is," he said just as the lights started flickering. Cole jumped in surprise before that turned to fear.

"They're back," he said as he flickered away.

"Wait, who?" you called out before getting up. A blast of wind hit you in your face just as something white and human-shaped rushed past you and up the stairs.

"Wait! Hey! Wait! We need to talk to you!" you yelled after the reaper. They were here for Cole. When you reached the stairs, you didn't see the white thing, but a woman with shoulder-length black hair.

"Dean," she said with a small smile.

"Do I know you?"

"We go way back," she said as she walked down the stairs and past you three, into the kitchen. Following in her footsteps, you needed to know how Dean knew her. "You don't remember me?"

"Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a girl say that... You're gonna have to freshen my memory," he said, and she walked forward before placing her fingers on his forehead. He gasped as he got all the memories of her from when he got into the car accident that almost broke you, when he was in a coma. When she pulled away, he stared with her with wide eyes.

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