After School Special- Part 1

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"Lock the doors, the windows, and close the shades. Most importantly," Dean cut off his father.

"Watch out for Sammy." It was always about Sam. You and Dean needed to protect him with your life. You looked over at Sam and he was watching cartoons on the TV, not really paying attention to what was going on. You envied the kid because you wanted a childhood like the one you and Dean gave him. You tried your best to keep Sam out of the whole monster business.

"Alright. If something tries to bust in?" John slung the duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Shoot first, ask questions later." You and Dean said at the same time.


"Sammy. Sammy. Sammy. You okay?" John said, scared. You and Dean just stared at this because you didn't know what to do.

"Yeah Dad, what's going on?" Sam asked, confused and sleepy. John turned toward his other son and adopted daughter.

"What happened?" He glared.

"We just went out..." You began to say.

"What?!" John yelled.

"Just for a second. I'm sorry." Dean said, scared for his brother.

"I told you not to leave this room. I told you not to let him out of your sight!" John yelled at his son.

"John! It wasn't his fault! I was there too!" You defended the older Winchester.

"I'm not done with you, young lady." John glared at you.


"I need you to clean out the wound. Don't worry, it's safe and sterilizes the wound." John said, peeling his jacket away. You grabbed some towels and wiped the blood away from the wound so you could see it better.

"Okay, here I go," You said, pouring the amber liquid on the wound. John yelled out in pain and you jumped back, stopping your movements. "John, I'm sorry!"

"No, don't be. You're doing such a good job. Listen to me, you're doing amazing. Now, I need you to get the floss and the needle. Thread it through and make sure it's tied." You nodded and set the bottle down, grabbing the things you needed. You've sewed before so you knew what you were doing.

"Okay, now, I puncture your skin?" You asked, scared a little bit.

"Yes, please, before even more blood comes out." He turned his body so that the whole wound shows itself to you. You bit your lip in worry and you reached out to do it but you backed out.

"John, I can't do it. I don't want to hurt you. Let me go get Dean because he knows what he's doing." You said.

"No, Y/N, you have to do it." You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked back at Dean who nodded at you.

"You need to learn, Y/N, for when Dean and I aren't here and you have a wound." John gritted out.


"I killed him, John. I was supposed to look out for him and I failed." You said, crying. You put your head in your hands and didn't look up when you felt the bed dip.

"Y/N, this wasn't your fault. You were trying to take care of him. I noticed he had your jacket on. You were doing what you thought was right." John said, reluctantly putting a hand on your back.

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