Chapter 38

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** Emily's POV **

After they finished their exam, I was wheeled into  another room, where someone squealed loudly. I knew that voice anywhere.

"JJ!" I said in a similar excited tone.

I notice Elle sitting in a wheelchair beside her, a bundle of blankets in her arms.

"Oh, is that JJ's baby?"

"This is Clara Iona Jareau." She said with a smile, carefully handing the baby over.

I balanced her head in the crook of my arm and smiled as she gurgled and reached up with her minuscule hand.

"She's quite small." I commented.

"Just under a month early. I had no idea we were gone that long." JJ replied.

"Well, we"re all back together now." I smiled.

"But I don't know where Angus is." JJ said, starting to look worried.

"They took Johan too. I don't know where he is either."

Elle moves to look through the door before turning back to us and whispered. "We have to get out of here. We need our family back, which means we need Angus and Johan."

"But how? It's not like any of us can walk out of here." JJ pointed to her wheelchairs.

"I might have an idea." I suddenly thought of something. "When I go to get my final scan, I'll pull the fire alarm so we go outside. Then we can just leave during the commotion. It'll be fine."

We discussed this at length before agreeing that it was our best chance. When Emily's doctor returned and wheeled her away, Elle took Ciara and rocked her to sleep, placing her in her lap. The fire alarm sounded and all the doors were opened. Dr Abby helped me swiftly into a wheelchair and proceeded to push me down the hall, with Elle in front.

"Go help the others, I can do this." I told her, and she ran back to another room.

Elle led the way outside and round the back, where a crowd of patients were forming. We found Emily and then headed along the small sidewalk that took us to one of the main streets.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Back to the others, I guess. Maybe they'll be back already." Elle suggested.

It was difficult manoeuvring three wheelchairs in the middle of rush hour traffic, but we made it work. After probably an hour, we reached the familiar warehouse. There was no one around outside, so we quietly slipped inside through a back door. Wheeling through the empty rooms, we realised something was wrong. All of the girls had gone. They weren't in their cages. The doors were all open.

Then Ciara started to cry. She had woken up and needed feeding. The crying attracted someone's attention because we then heard footsteps. It sounded like a woman. I begged Ciara to stop crying, rocking her slightly, and she simmered down but it was too late.

"JJ? Elle? Emily?"

** Alex's POV **

I was still trying to work out where all the girls were from when I heard the crying. It got louder and louder, and I realised that it was a baby crying. But none of those girls were pregnant, so who could the baby be? I turned a corner and was utterly shocked. JJ, Elle and Emily were huddled in the corner, all sitting in hospital-issue wheelchairs.

"What are you guys doing here? You should be resting in the hospital." I said.

"Where's Angus?" JJ asked.

"At the BAU office. Does Hotch know you're here?"


They looked confused, and I realised that this was what Hotch was talking about earlier. I tried to describe him instead.

"The tall man in a suit. Dressed in black, rarely smiles."

"Oh, he's scary. No, we didn't tell anyone." Emily answered.

"Don't you think you'll be safer in hospital?" I probed.

"No, we just want our family." Elle shouted.

Before I could do anything, they had already wheeled past me to the other room where all the girls were talking.

"Hi, girls. What's been going on?"

The girls starting answering in a multitude of languages, and I watched as the three agents listened intently. How they could understand the different words was beyond even my linguistic knowledge. It appeared that both Emily and Elle understood the Russian, and JJ understood Spanish and Italian. Other languages weren't so clear. Finally, JJ turned to me.

"You need to let Angus go, he hasn't done anything. We need him back here."

"One second."

I excused myself and dialled Hotch's number.

"Alex, what's wrong?"

"Hotch, they're here. The girls are back."


Well a short chapter again but I'm writing a new Jeid story as well.

Also, huge thank you to @zkdtallday for inspiring these last few chapters.


Saffron xo

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