Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't really been feeling myself recently so updates are slow but I promise I'll try update more!

Anyway back to the story...

** Morgan's POV **

Emily texted that JJ was coming over, and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know how much Emily had told her, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I wore a dark blue shirt and casual jeans, hoping that it wasn't too much. When the doorbell rang, my stomach did a backflip before I let her in.

"Jayje, wow, you look stunning."

My jaw dropped as I opened the door. She was wearing a simple black skirt with a peach shirt that was so beautiful. She had teased her hair so that it fell in waves over her shoulders. She really was perfection.

"Hey, Derek. I brought you this." She handed over a bottle and believe me, it wasn't cheap wine.

"Come on in, make yourself at home."

She smiled as she stepped inside, looking around.

"I've never been to your house before, I can't believe it." She said.

"That's because Rossi has a mansion." I laughed.

"So what do you have planned? Emily said you wanted to talk."

I steered her over to the sofa and handed her a glass of wine.

"Jayje, I just wanted to say how amazing you are. I don't think I've ever truly expressed how beautiful, strong, caring, all-round amazing you are. You pour yourself into the job and still have enough left over to make us all smile and take care of us."

She was pretty surprised but I wasn't done.

"I like you, Jennifer. A lot. And I've always been too shy to tell you how I feel but when you were in hospital and we had no news, I was so worried. I realised that I couldn't survive if I didn't have you."

"Morgan, I..." She began.

"Don't. Let's enjoy the evening." I interrupted, too nervous to hear what she had to say.

She just smiled and sipped her wine.

"So, what's first?"

I took her out for dinner at a local restaurant and I learned more about JJ's past. I never knew that she played varsity soccer, or that her parents divorced when she was only eleven, or even that she collected butterflies. I told her about my family, about Carl and football. By the end of the evening, and several glasses of wine later, we were back at my house.

JJ was stumbling around, searching for her keys, when she learnt on the side of a chair for support.

"Jayje, come on, you can't drive home like this." I took the keys from her and helped her to sit down.

"Morgan, I need to go." She slurred, trying to stand up.

"You're not going anywhere like this. It's not safe."

As I placed my hand on her shoulder, something clicked and she pushed me away.

"Get off me, let me go."

Before I could stop her, she managed to run to the door and run outside, disappearing into the night.

"Jayje!" I called out into the air, but she didn't come back.

Shit. What did I do wrong?


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