Chapter 34

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Garcia's phone rang, and she answered it hurriedly.

"Hotch? Sir, what do you need?"

"Background on Angus Donovan, and an ID on another man. I'll send his photograph to you."

"Sir, how's JJ and Elle?" 

"They're at the hospital. I'll update you when I know."

The call ended, and Garcia looked despondently at her screens. She hoped that they would be alright, after everything they'd been through.

** Elle's POV **

I was lying in a different bed. In a different room. The lights were too bright, I couldn't see properly.

"Turn them down." I muttered to myself, closing my eyes again.

"Hi there, can you open your eyes for me?" Someone said.

"The lights are too bright." I whispered.

"It's alright. They'll be turned down. I just need to check you over. Can you open them please?"

I did as I was told and the lights disappeared. I could now see a woman in a white jacket with brunette curls and glasses. A badge was round her neck. Abby Hanson. 

"Are you a doctor?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll be looking after you. You're Elle Greenaway, right?"

I nodded slowly. 

"Where's JJ?"

"In another room. Ma'am, please." 

As soon as I heard her, I tried to stand up. The room started spinning and my legs gave way.

"Please lie back down. Your legs need to regain their strength before you can walk again. Trust me." She said.

She helped me lie back on the bed and covered me with the blanket. Before she left I asked another question.

"Are there people outside?"

"Yes, they're with the FBI."

"Don't send them in. I don't know who they are, and I don't want to talk to them." I said.

"Understood. You just rest up now, okay." She smiled as she left.

Left alone, I started to worry about JJ and Angus. They hadn't mentioned Angus at all. Was he okay? Was he here? I wanted to see him.

** Morgan's POV **

"What do you mean we can't see them?" I yelled at the doctor, who took a nervous step back.

"Both women have denied visitation, they only ask for one person, Angus." She replied.

Hotch thanked her and turned to me.

"Morgan, what did I say?"

"Hotch, this isn't right, and you know it. They've been brainwashed or something. All they talk about is Angus-this and Angus-that, I'm sick of that son of a bitch getting ahead of us."

"He's our only lead to finding Emily, Morgan. Let's hope that he'll talk when we get back to Quantico."

The ride back was silent and uncomfortable, which wasn't unusual. A lot of our car rides are silent. But this was different. There were a lot of unsaid words still hanging in the air, unanswered questions. Reid broke the silence.

"Why won't they talk to us?"

"Kid, I don't know. Angus must have said something or done something, they feel attached to him in some way."

"Could be Stockholm syndrome." Hotch added.

"But it rarely manifests itself so deeply. They've only been there a month or two or something." I argued.

"Two months, three days and 3 hours, JJ and Emily have been missing." Reid said.

"So our only hope is to get Angus talking." I confirmed.

When we arrived, Garcia was standing in front of the elevator and she flung herself at me as soon as the doors opened.

"I can't stand not seeing you, don't ever leave me." She cried.

"Baby girl, I'm never leaving."

Hotch coughed slightly and Reid and I followed him to where we were holding Angus and the other man.

"Garcia, did you manage to ID him?"

"Yes, his name is Mitchell Franks. Russian immigrant, he's lived here for the past twenty-two years. Angus Donovan, Irish-born and ex-Russian citizen. He has no criminal record, but there is a death certificate for both his parents. They died on US soil during a shooting in Florida whilst on holiday."

"Thanks." Hotch said and she went back to her lair, sending me one last blow-kiss.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

Hotch had no time to respond because we were joined by Erin Strauss, who wore a tight-lipped frown.

"Agent Hotchner, may we have a word?" She asked, but it wasn't a request.

"Morgan, don't do anything yet. I'll be back." He said and followed her to her office.

Reid stared after them before heading to his desk. I was torn between interrogating those men, and waiting for Hotch. Time was running out to find Emily. I took a chance and slipped inside the interrogation room.

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