Chapter 40

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** Hotch's POV **

We arrived at the facility and were warmly welcomed by Victoria, the center coordinator. 

"Hi, welcome. The girls are all gathered in the main hall for you."

"Thank you. We hope that this isn't too early for them, they're still adjusting."

"They're comfortable here, I just don't want them to get agitated and disrupt their routine here."


Reid, Blake and I followed her to the main hall where we were introduced to the girls. I scanned the rows and found JJ, Emily and Elle sat together, with JJ holding her baby in her arms.

"Good morning, girls. My name is SSA Aaron Hotchner, I work for the FBI. These are SSA Alex Blake, and Dr Spencer Reid."

"Good morning." They chanted back in perfect synchronization.

"We would like to talk to you today about the past. Now, many of you I'm sure have missed out on possibly two to three years of your lives, because of this man." I projected a picture of Angus on the screen. "You were taken from your families, from your lives, and brought to DC to this warehouse." I put up another picture of their cages. "You lost friends along the way, girls came and went, but we would like to help you to recover your memories. We want you to remember who you were before this."

I paused and looked around the room. Some girls were shocked, many were confused, and only a few appeared unaffected. Good, I thought, we might finally be getting through to them. 

"So over the course of the day, we'll be conducting cognitive interviews. Our aim is just to see if we can help to stir up some old memories that you've locked away deep within your mind. We only ask that you cooperate and try your hardest to find these memories."

We left the room and were led to separate small rooms to interview the girls. There were still a lot of girls to talk to, and it wasn't going to be an easy task. Thank goodness we had a fresh pot of coffee on the go.


** JJ's POV **

"Jareau, Jennifer." Victoria called out, and I walked slowly towards the middle door.

After being given a nod of encouragement, I slipped inside and went to greet the FBI agent.

"Hi, Jennifer. Dr Spencer Reid." The man introduced himself.

I leaned forward to shake his hand, but felt confused when I stopped myself. He didn't say anything but smiled and pointed to the seat.

"So, Jennifer, do you remember how you met Angus Petrovic?" He asked.

I screwed up my face in concentration, trying to think. How long have I known him? When did I meet him? Where did I meet him?

"I don't know, I can't remember." I answered.

"Is he the father of your baby?"

"I-I, um, wait, no he isn't. No." I thought hard, and I'm pretty sure he's not.

"Do you know who is?"


"What's her name?"


"Why did you choose that name?"

"It reminded me of Angus, he wasn't there when I gave birth."

"What's your name?"

"Jennifer Jareau."

"What's my name?"

"Spencer R-Reid." I suddenly stopped. 

After all those questions, I had a sudden flashback.


"Hi, I'm Jennifer Jareau, I'm the new communications liaison for this unit."

"Dr Spencer Reid." The handsome young agent said, introducing himself.

"Well, it's good to meet you. If you need me, come and talk to me. My door's always open, but mainly because I'm never in my office. So just call me on my cell." 

I waved as I dumped a pile of papers on his desk and turned back to talk to Hotch.


"Oh my god." I said, standing up quickly.

"JJ? Jennifer?" 

I looked into his eyes and then I saw it. I saw the Spencer Reid that I'd previously known and worked with.


He was so relieved that he reached over and hugged me tightly. I found myself hugging him back and sobbing with relief.

"JJ, we've been so worried, I've missed you so much." He said, unable to contain his emotions any longer.

"Spence, I'm so sorry." I cried and he just kept his arms around me.

"It's okay, JJ, it's not your fault."

"I should have realized. I should have remembered you." 

Spencer told me to stop talking and rubbed my back until I calmed down. He left and returned with the other man.

"Hotch?" I whispered, worried that I'd get it wrong.

He actually smiled, and I remembered how much he didn't smile. I remembered how much we used to treasure those few moments when he cracked a smile, made a joke, laughed. I was still wiping tears from my eyes as I pulled him in for a hug as well.

"JJ, I'm so glad it worked."

"I'm sorry, Hotch. I'm sorry I never listened to you."

"It's alright, JJ. We're just glad to finally have you back."

"What about Emily and Elle? Did it work on them too."

He nodded and I started balling again. "What about the other girls? What will happen to them?"

"We're not sure yet. Some of them seem to remember, and some have absolutely no idea."

"I'd like to help them. I want them to be able to go home, to see their families again."

"I'm sure that they would love that, Jayje."

"And what about Strauss? What about work?"

"I will talk to Strauss. Don't worry. Just get better, JJ. Rest, take your time, and we'll sort things out. I promise." Hotch replied.

"Hotch, thank you." I said gratefully with a smile.

"Jayje you should go and talk to the other girls. They're all confused and scared. I think you and Emily and Elle will be able to relate to them more and comfort them."

"Thanks, Hotch. What happens now?"

"Well, as soon as you are cleared you can leave. The others can leave if they have a relative or friend that can take them in, it is ill-advised for them to return to life alone, after all, all they've known is living here, in small groups, entirely dependent on someone else. JJ,  we really are glad you're back."

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