Chapter 12

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** JJ's POV **

I woke up and immediately started to shiver. It was so cold, and I wasn't wearing anything.

"Come on then, you coward. Come out!" I screamed in anger.

"My, my, you are pretty when you're mad."

He walked into view and had a horrible grin on his face. Only this time, he was carrying a tripod.

"Fuck you." I spat as he slowly put the video camera down in front of me.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again, Jennifer. And this time, I want the truth. No lies, and no stalling. The truth. Who do you most care about?"

The flashing red light  coming from the camera told me that the video was being recorded. I knew who I was going to say in my head, but I couldn't say it. 

"Take your time, Jennifer, I've got all the time in the world."

"I-I-um..." I stuttered.

"We could have some fun again, if you really want. Only this time, I'll make sure you're awake."

And when he said those words, he pushed me onto the floor and lay on top of me.

"Stop it. Stop it." I tried to push him off but that just enraged him.

"You don't like this, do you? Why don't you like this, Jennifer?"

"Because I'm gay." I yelled at him, and he stopped.

He turned bright red and ran out of the room, forgetting his camera. My body was too weak to try and stand upright and I just lay on the cold floor, praying that he wouldn't be back.

** Hotch's POV **

Garcia showed us all the pictures that she had been sent, and I almost choked. 

"Sir, please tell me she's not going through that." Garcia whispered.

"She's, she's going to be fine." I tried to convince her.

"Did you manage to get a trace?" Emily asked.

"Sadly not. He's too good, this guy. I can't find him anywhere. But it gets worse, a lot worse. Sir, he's streaming a live video feed of her."

Morgan just snapped. He stormed out of the room and I heard the door of the BAU swing open.

"He needs a minute." Dave commented.

"Where's the video? Who's watching it?" 

"Sir, I can't. I can't show you it's horrible."

She showed us all the same, but looked away. Her shoulders were shaking and Emily went to comfort her.

"Wait, hang on, what did she just say?"

The sound was down on the video, but JJ's lips were moving and she looked angry. 

"I need a lip-reading analysis done. She's just said something and the unsub's now gone." 

Garcia left to find someone, and I just sat down with my head resting on the table.

"I know the feeling." Dave said, sitting beside me.

"Dave, this unsub is taunting us. And what he's doing to her, I can't even begin to imagine."

"We'll get this guy."

"How? We've no idea where she is or who took her, or who even has an agenda against her. We don't even know why he took her."

Another agent came in and sat down to watch the video, scribbling a few notes every now and again. When they watched the part that had attracted my attention, they stopped.

"What, what's going on? What did she say?"

"Agent Hotchner, did you know agent Jareau was homosexual?"

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