Chapter 6

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** JJ's POV **

I had a bad headache when I woke up. It seriously doesn't take much alcohol for me to get hungover. I saw that I wasn't in my bedroom and got up quickly. Too quickly.

"Ahh..." My head was spinning and I had to lie back down again.

"Morning, Jayje." Emily's voice came from behind.

"Em, I don't remember a lot. What happened last night?"

"Not a lot, don't worry. One bottle of wine later you were out of it."

Our phones vibrated at the same time and I picked mine up, revealing a text from Hotch.

"Hotch wants us in, a new case." I said with a sigh.

"Great. I guess I should drive you, since your car is still parked there!"

I laughed before realising I was wearing the same shirt and pants from the night before.

"Um, Emily, can I borrow a shirt or something?" I asked her.

"Sure, knock yourself out. I mean don't, but yeah, help yourself. Bathroom's yours as well if you want." She said and I picked up a dark green shirt.

After showering, I went back into her bedroom in her green shirt and a skirt and she smiled widely.

"Man, that looks better on you than me." She laughed.

"Don't make me feel bad." I replied, following her out the door.

When we arrived, I suddenly started to feel embarrassed. I hopped out of Emily's car quickly, well aware that it was obvious the shirt wasn't mine, and I was still slightly hungover. Hotch didn't say anything as we walked into the briefing room, but Morgan wolf whistled with a grin, making me go slightly red.

"Piss off." Emily said, nudging him as she sat down.

"Emily, language." Rossi warned with a twinkle in his eye.

"What's so urgent?" I yawned.

"We've got a case in Maryland. Missing kids. Baltimore PD are expecting us within the hour. Let's go."

It was a short plane ride but that didn't make it any less awkward. Morgan had noticed that I was wearing Emily's shirt and decided to ask us about last night.

"So, girls, did we see any action? Your car was in the parking lot before you were here. Clearly you went home together last night." He joked, but I started to get angry.

"Morgan, nothing happened, okay? Jeez, just drop it." I yelled before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I started breathing heavily. God, I hate it when people make fun of us, like it doesn't mean anything. It didn't even cross their minds that I wasn't straight, and for some reason that made me mad. I guess I could have told my team, but I was too afraid that they would look at me differently.

"Jayje? Open the door. I just want to talk, please." Emily asked through the door.

I hastily wiped my eyes and opened the door slowly. She saw my face and immediately rushed inside.

"Oh my god, Jayje, talk to me." She said as she shut the door.

I felt like I was back in my parents house, telling them for the first time. I felt very small, the words were weird as they came out.

"Emily, I..."

The plane gave a sudden jolt and I fell from the counter where I was perched. The last thing I remembered was reaching for Emily before I passed out.

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