Chapter 46

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** Emily's POV **

We were introduced to the lead detective, James Attwood, and then we were prepped to go undercover as a couple. I mean, we already are a couple, but this was specifically for our unsub.

"This necklace has a microphone, and these glasses have a special microchip and camera. It's so minute, you won't notice it, but we'll be able to see and hear everything."

I had the glasses and the necklace, whilst JJ had earrings and contact lenses. She was busy plaiting her hair whilst I shoved my hair up into a messy bun and got changed into black leggings and a grey workout top. The unsub had a type, athletic young women who lived in the city. JJ was wearing a bright electric blue crop top that matched her eyes and a lose white tank top with black shorts.

"Baby, you look gorgeous." I said with a smile.

She smiled back shyly and adjusted her contact.

"I hope you can see this." She said to the air.

The microphone only worked one way, so we couldn't communicate with the team, even though they could hear us.

"Let's go to our new house then." I said finally, and we headed out into the bustling streets.

"1330 Applewood Park. It's a small bungalow that was previously unoccupied." JJ recited, heading toward the address with me at her heels, watching the public carefully.

The bungalow had been equipped with hidden cameras and microphones. There was a false wall with a panic room in the bedroom, and we had special phones to communicate. Hotch promised that the mission wouldn't take long, but he couldn't say with certainty. JJ stepped inside as I slowly closed the door.

"So, I guess we need to just act natural." J shrugged.

"Grocery shopping?" I suggested, disappointed by the empty fridge.

"Sure. We can start studying behavior." She agreed and I grabbed my purse.

JJ instinctively reached to her side to feel for her gun but then remembered that we were undercover.

"It's weird, I've never gone out without my gun and my FBI creds."

"I know, babe, but we've got to catch this guy."

The unsub had killed four women so far, each of whom were openly lesbian and were in relationships. Anna Jackson was 21 and was studying to become a doctor. She was asphyxiated and her body was wrapped in a linen sheet and dumped in the park. Haylee Sparks was 17 and she was still at school, her whole life ahead of her. She was also asphyxiated but her body was found in a closet at her high school. Lydia Gardner and Jaime Carter were in their thirties, and their bodies were found together in an empty alley, fully dressed with no marks on their bodies besides the bruising around their necks.

"So, where do you think he finds his victims?" JJ asked as we wandered through the streets of Boston in the afternoon sunlight.

"Maybe the park? Or maybe online? Garcia was looking into their social media accounts."

"I'm starting to get hungry." JJ said and pointed to a diner nearby.

"Me too, let's take a break from this." I agreed.

The bell rang as we entered and were greeted by a young waitress with perfectly set teeth and fiery ginger hair.

"Afternoon, ladies. Where would you like to sit today? Table or booth, or up at the counter?"

"Table will be perfect, thanks." JJ smiled and we sat down opposite each other at a table by the window.

"Here are your menus, just wave when you're ready. And don't hesitate to order more, Frankie's cooking is so delicious." She said brightly, and headed over to another table.

For 3 in the afternoon, the diner was rather busy. There were only a small handful of empty tables left. JJ was poring over the menu as I looked around, still watching. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was just a diner.

"Emily, what are you going to order?" JJ asked me.

"I don't know, I'm in the mood for something greasy." I answered, taking a look.

God, that diner had everything. From burgers to sandwiches, salads, barbecue meats, desserts, and monster-sized shakes.

"I might just get a house burger." I said after making my mind up.

"I'm getting the club sandwich." JJ said and I smiled.

"What?" She laughed.

"Nothing, it's just you're so cute sometimes."

We chatted lightly as we waited for our food to arrive. JJ also observed the other people in the diner, but nobody stood out as the unsub. Feeling full and tired, we headed back to the bungalow. JJ was laughing at a joke I had just told her when she stopped in her tracks.


"Emily, look." 

The front door had angry red paint sprayed and the wall of the bungalow was stained with scarlet letters.


"JJ, that must be the unsub!"

She didn't respond, but she had something in her hand. It was a thick brown package. With trembling fingers, she opened it and out fell possibly a hundred or more Polaroid pictures of us. Most of them were from the diner, but some were from when we were walking, holding hands, laughing, just being ourselves.

"Emily, I don't like this." She whispered, scared.

"I know, Jayje, but it's okay. The team will be watching. The unsub will be caught."

"I'm tired." She said suddenly and headed inside.

I tried to talk to her but she went straight for the bedroom, shutting the door behind her so that I couldn't talk to her anymore.

"JJ, please." 

"Leave me alone. I just want to go home." She said in a childish voice.

"JJ, you're safe. We're safe. They were just a warning. At least we know we have the unsub's attention."

She didn't say anything else, so I quietly slipped inside the bedroom and kissed her lightly on the forehead before falling asleep beside her. She didn't return the kiss or turn to face me, but I knew she wasn't going to sleep all night. Neither was I.


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