Chapter 41

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** Emily's POV **

It was time to go home, finally. JJ and I were moving back into JJ's old house, but the team had been 'redecorating', as they called it. JJ was so excited to leave, but she felt bad for leaving a lot of the girls here.

"Em, they have no place to go. They can't leave without a place to live."

"I know, Jayje, but if we took one in, it would be unfair on the others."

She knew I was right and nodded but still pouted as we headed downstairs with our bags. We only had one bag each, but JJ had an extra bag for Ciara. Elle had left two days ago, and was coming back to drive us home. She waved excitedly from the driver's seat of the car outside and I carried the bags to the trunk. JJ paused, turning back to say one final silent goodbye. 

We sat in the back together as Elle pulled away and watched the cold, bleak building disappear from view. At last, we were going home.

"JJ, I can't wait to see what your house looks like." I said with a smile.

"You mean our house." She corrected me.

I grinned and snuggled closer to her chest, feeling the steady rise and fall as she breathed, the strong beating of her heart that had gone through so much.

"Guys, keep it PG back there." Elle called out from the front.

"Sorry, Elle." I laughed back.

It was a fairly long drive, and JJ fell asleep, her blonde hair falling onto my shoulder as we drove over a bump. I was starting to close my eyes when Elle finally pulled over, and I realized we arrived. I kissed JJ gently and she stirred, yawning and stretching her arms.

"What's going on?" She mumbled.

"Look, honey, we're home." I pointed as we got out of the car.

"How's Ciara doing?" She asked, picking up the baby bag from the floor.

"She's still out, thankfully." I said, lightly feeling her forehead.

"Well, come on then." JJ followed Elle to the front steps and I carried Ciara.

"You ready?" I asked JJ.

She smiled and we pushed the door open together.

"SURPRISE." The room erupted into life as we got home.

Morgan was handing out glasses of champagne whilst Garcia was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Look who's back!" She shouted, flinging herself at me.

"Whoa, calm down, Penelope." I laughed and hugged her back.

JJ was talking to Hotch and Reid, and Morgan came over slowly.

"It's alright, Derek, I won't bite your head off." 

He relaxed and smiled, handing me a glass.

"Prentiss, it's great to see you. How you doing?"

"I'm better, thank you. Listen, I just wanted to apologize for all of those times that I shouted at you and pushed you away, I didn't mean to hurt you at all."

"It's alright, Emily, I get it." He laid his hand on my arm. 


"It's okay, I promise." His face showed true emotion and I knew he meant it.

"Come here." 

I put the glass down on the sideboard and pulled him close, smelling the strong aroma from his cologne and feeling safe in his big muscular arms.

"Alright, don't take my Chocolate Thunder." Garcia laughed, pulling Derek away.

I walked over to JJ, who was looking at the collection of photographs that had been framed and placed all over the walls and on the many shelves and sideboards of JJ's house.

"Wow, who knew we had so many pictures?" I giggled.

One particular photograph caught both our attention. It was from that night at JJ's house, on the floor, when we were playing a little game of truth or dare. JJ had her arms around my waist and I was grinning wildly at the camera. We were both so drunk, I'm not sure I remember who actually took the picture.

"That was the first time we kissed." JJ said shyly, breaking the silence. "Although I guess it doesn't really count."

"I hope this does." I said and pressed my lips against hers.

Things were starting to get heated but we heard a tinkling of glass. Great, Rossi's going to make a toast.

"I've had the wonderful pleasure of watching these two agents grow, both as profilers, and as friends, and more importantly as soulmates. I'm sure it goes without saying that we all think it's about damn time someone made a move. I think that means I also win the bet, Morgan, but I digress. JJ, Emily, you've both been so much, as well as the rest of the team. But it has brought us all so much closer together, and we're all so thankful to be able to share this moment. Now, the food's going cold and my legs are tired, so I'll just, to JJ and Emily." He raised his glass and we all copied suit.

JJ had tears in her eyes as she listened and discreetly wiped them away before moving to the front to say something.

"Thank you, Dave, for that amazing toast. You've all been an amazing family, and I feel so lucky to be able to say that. I'm glad that everyone here has been such an important part of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But there's one person that's been there for me through everything I could think of. She's been my partner, my drinking buddy, and my best friend. But there's one thing that she isn't, and I want to change that now. So, Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, will you be my wife?"

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