Chapter 16

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** Emily's POV **

Nobody said a word as we waited for news. How many more times does this team have to suffer? I thought. It was extremely late, around 4 in the morning, and everyone but myself and Hotch was asleep.

"Hotch, can't sleep?" I whispered, sitting next to him.

He kept checking his phone every few minutes.

"I'm getting some heat from above. They've been looking into our cases, how we work."

"What? Since when?"

"Since that case back in Atlanta, the murder-suicide."

"But that was almost six months ago. You've been taking all the heat?" I asked, outraged.

"I'm trying to protect the team, but I'm not sure I can for much longer."

"Wait, what are you saying?"

"Strauss is looking for reasons to replace us, any of us. She thinks that we're all replaceable, including me."

"She can't do that, can she?"

The look in Hotch's eyes said it all.

"Has she found a replacement already?" I asked suspiciously.

"She has, yes, but it's not me."

"Hotch, what are you talking about?"

He sighed heavily. "She's replacing Morgan."

"What? But this team needs Morgan. It needs you. It needs Garcia, Reid, JJ, me. We need each other."

"She wants to replace us all, and she's just getting started. Every decision is being scrutinized, everyone is under observation."

"But why is she doing this?"

"Someone in a position like Erin's has their eyes on top leadership. She's trying to move up the ranks, making a name for herself. She doesn't want teams to drag her down, limit her progress. She has an agenda, a personal one, and she doesn't care who she attacks as long as it makes her look good."

"I hate politics, Hotch. It tears families apart, makes friends and relatives hate each other, but most of all it makes people distrustful. And we can't function when we don't trust each other."

"I know. I will fight this decision, but it's above my pay grade. Erin knows that, and we all know that."

"We will stop this, Hotch. At least, we will try our best to stop it."

"Thanks, Emily, but I fear that after tonight, it's too late."

"Too late for what?" Morgan had just woken up.


So plot twist to make the story more exciting, and I know it's kind of similar to what happens in the show, but I put a little spin on in to make it different. Stay tuned to find out what happens.

Saffron xo

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