Chapter 39

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** Hotch's POV **

My phone vibrated and Alex was calling.


"Hotch, the girls are here."

As she said those words, my heart stopped. We'd only just got them out of there.

"What do you mean? They're in hospital."

"No, Hotch, they're here right now. JJ, Elle and Emily are in the room next door, talking to all of the girls."

"How did they get out? They're under police protection."

"I'll get Garcia to look into it, but what am I supposed to do? They won't leave. They want Angus."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Right, well, just leave them for now. I'll be on my way."

There was only one way I could get the girls out of there. I had to bring them to Angus.

** JJ's POV **

The girls were all doing fine, but some were getting hungry.

"I'll look for some food." I said, wheeling myself toward Elle and Emily.

"Any sign of food?" I asked.

"Nope, none. Maybe we can just ask?" Elle suggested.

"I guess. But won't that woman get mad?" Emily said.

I shrugged in response. "Possibly. I guess we'll just wait a bit longer."

A lot of time passed, possibly hours, I don't really know, but then we heard the sirens outside. The girls started to get agitated and huddled together, but Emily and I tried to calm them down whilst Elle went to check the door was shut.

There was a loud knock on the door, and Elle jumped in her seat.  

"Who's there?" Elle shouted in a shaky voice.

"Elle? It's Aaron Hotchner. I have someone you will want to see." 

Slowly, Elle opened the door a crack before squealing with delight.

"Angus!" She yelled happily.

Angus came into view and I smiled widely, beckoning him over. 

"Angus, look, our baby is here." I held Ciara up.

He took her in his arms and started rocking her gently. 

"Hello, baby Ciara. You're so perfect." 

I grinned as he walked round in circles, proudly parading her in front of the other girls. They all cooed and reached up to kiss her on the forehead. She started to giggle happily as she was passed around. 

"He's amazing with her." I whispered to Emily, who smiled back.

"I know, it's adorable."

As I looked into her eyes I felt more and more in love with her every second. I'd missed her for so long that it was amazing to finally be able to see her beautiful eyes again.

"Emily, I still love you." I said.

"Me too." She replied.

"Guys, we have a problem." Elle said from the door.

As she said that, the door opened again and the man in the suit stepped inside, accompanied by another man and the woman we saw earlier. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"My name is Aaron Hotchner. I'm an FBI agent, in the Behavioral Analyst Unit. Do you remember?"

"Remember what?" I asked, confused.

He sighed ever-so-slightly but I could see disappointment in his eyes. 

"Do you know who this man is?" He pointed at Angus.

"Yes, that's Angus. What is this?"

"JJ, sorry, Jennifer, we have reason to believe that Angus has been holding these women against their will, and he's been brainwashing them so they no longer remember who they once were."

"You're wrong." I said loudly, angry tears springing to my eyes.

"JJ listen." He tried again.

"No. Go away, you don't know anything."

Elle and Emily were in front of me, guarding me from him. He had no right to say all of those things.

"JJ, do you know who you are?" 

That stumped me. Who am I? Who am I really?


"Just go away." I repeated, wheeling myself away from him and toward Angus, who handed me back my baby.

Agent Hotchner turned to leave and for some reason, Angus started to follow him.

"Angus, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." Is all he said before disappearing from the room.

"ANGUS." I started to sob as I tried to follow him but I couldn't manoeuvre the  stupid chair.

Something deep inside of me was begging me to listen to him, to think about what he said. Was any of it true? Who am I? I really can't remember.


Three weeks later...

** Emily's POV **

Finally I'm able to walk again. My legs were well rested and I started slowly walking round the room, taking care to not walk into the chairs. We weren't in hospital anymore, after flatly refusing to go back. Instead, the man from the FBI managed to find a facility that took most of the girls in, except for the girls who were quite ill. Unfortunately, Angus and Johan weren't here. We had no idea where they were, and JJ was getting more and more worried.

I made my way over to her bed to wake her up, she slept in the corner, away from the door and the window. Elle was still asleep as well, making quiet purring sounds every so often. JJ was so beautiful even when she was asleep. Such an angel. But she was a light sleeper, I swear she can feel peoples' presence in her sleep. No sooner had I reached her bedside and she sat up and stretched, looking around the room expectantly.

"Ciara's asleep. Elle's asleep." I whispered, sitting beside her.

"Perfect." She planted a kiss on my lips and I leaned forward, just as the door swung open.

"Prentiss, Jareau, what are you doing?" The nurse said from the doorway.

I forgot how strict they were here. Sheepishly, I made my way back to my own bed as she came in to check our temperatures.

"Right, well, you're all fine today. But we've got some special visitors today. Some FBI agents are coming to talk to you all, so you'd better be on your best behavior." She warned, shutting the door as she left.

"Wow, that was close." Elle said, sitting up.

"Elle, how long were you awake for?" JJ laughed.


"Better get a move on." I sighed, opening my small closet to look for something to wear. 

All our clothes were basically identical, apart from a few odd items that we'd managed to keep. The rest were standard issue, all navy or black or grey. JJ pulled on grey leggings and a plain beige shirt with her black ballet flats. Elle was struggling with her laces as I was changing into a simple black dress with puffed sleeves and matching shoes.

"You look beautiful." I told JJ as she lifted Ciara out of her small crib.

"Thanks, so do you." 

"We'd better go." Elle said, looking at the clock on the wall.

We filed out of our room and followed the rest of the girls who were heading down to the main hall. We were sat in rows of chairs, every girl dressed in either grey or black, and awaited the FBI agents' arrival.

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