Chapter 8

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** Emily's POV **

The rest of the team arrived at around 10 in the evening, but we still hadn't heard from the doctor. Morgan was outside, and I don't blame him. I think he's got feelings for her, but I don't want to press the issue, he seems upset enough as it is.

"Anything?" Reid asked again.

"Spencer, I'm sorry, nothing." I want to hug him, like JJ does whenever he's upset, but it feels weird.

"She shouldn't be in there. In hospital."

"It was an accident, you couldn't have predicted it." I tried to explain, but he didn't say anything in response.

Finally, the doctor came out and broke the silence.


"That's us." Hotch answered.

"She suffered a blow to the head, as I'm sure you're aware, but we were able to patch her up and stop the bleeding. She did lose a lot of blood, so we gave her a transfusion, and she's got a concussion but she's fine. You can see her when she wakes up, room 216."

"Thank you."

We all breathed a huge sigh of relief and I told Morgan when he came back inside. He pulled me into a big hug and I was glad that she was alright. Hotch said we could see her first, so we entered her room and waited. She looked so beautiful and angelic lying in bed. Morgan was breathing hard and I slipped my hand into his. After an agonising thirty minutes, she started to stir and her eyes opened slightly.

"Jayje, it's Emily and Morgan. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired. Headache." She said quietly.

"You just bumped your head, you'll be fine."

"When can I leave?"

"Doctor says in a couple of days, okay?"

Morgan squeezed her arm reassuringly and stood up. "Glad you're good, Jayje, you had us worried for a moment. Now get some rest, we've got a case so we'll see you tomorrow."

As we left her room, I could see Morgan's eyes gleaming, I'd never seen him like this. I'm just thankful that nothing bad had happened, but her words were still playing in my head.

Three days later

** JJ's POV **

Lying in hospital was killing me, I was so bored. Morgan visited every morning and evening, but I really missed Emily. I'd only seen her the night I woke up. The doctor signed off my release in the morning and I was just getting dressed when the door opened.


I turned around even though I knew who it was. Only one person had a voice as sweet as that.

"Emily!" I squealed and ran towards her.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there. I just came to check up on you. And I see you're leaving now, so I can take you back to Quantico with me."

"Wait, what about everyone else?" I asked her, confused.

"They solved the case yesterday and left first thing. I volunteered to stay."

"Thanks. Morgan was driving me mad." I laughed and Emily gave a small smile. "Hang on, is there something I should know?" I asked.

Emily bit her lip before saying, "Please don't be mad. He said he had something to tell you, and I think it's personal. He wants to see you when we get back. A date I guess."

I didn't know what to say. I knew it'd be weird if I had no reason to say no, but nobody knew that I wasn't straight. I didn't want to disappoint him.

"Okay, sure." I answered and followed her out of the room.

I was thinking about the 'date' during the short flight back, after promising Emily I would never sit on the bathroom counter again. She knew something was up.

"Hey, what's going on in there? Is it about before?" She asked, but I didn't know what she was referring to.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, on the plane earlier, you were trying to tell me something." She said.

I suddenly felt extremely shy. I didn't think I was ready to talk about it. And the old case was over, the feelings would disappear, right?

"Oh, right, yeah I don't really remember. It'll come back to me, probably. I'm fine, just tired. I wonder what Morgan's got planned?"

As the wheels of the jet touched down, I felt sick. I haven't been on a date with a male for years.

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