Chapter 29

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So realised that I used Elle already so it's now Alex, but I've changed it in the previous chapter. Elle is still part of the team and is going to be in this chapter. Anyways...

** Anna's POV **

My fingers tightened around the steering wheel as I drove through DC. I drove past the block next to the coffee shop, where I could see the flashing red and blue lights coming from the standard government issue SUVs. They were still there. They have no idea, I said to myself, before driving off.

I parked near the FBI Academy entrance, with surveillance on the front entrance as well as the parking lot, as I hacked into the nearby cameras. Now I just had to wait for someone called Elle Greenaway. Angus sent me a photograph, she looked pretty enough. Not like Emily, but still pretty. Must be a similar age. I felt bad for leading Emily into a trap, but the money was worth it. I get a cut from Angus's business, so at least its work. I know she'd disapprove, but I didn't come to the States for her approval, did I?

There was a lot of movement all day, but nobody resembled Elle Greenaway. She has dark hair which falls in a natural wave, and deep hazel eyes. Something unsettled me about looking at her photograph for more than a couple of minutes at a time. I shrugged and made to leave, when I spotted something out of the corner of my eye.

Elle was walking with a taller man in a suit, most definitely FBI, as well as another older woman. I'd missed her car driving in, but she was walking to the entrance, deep in conversation. This was my opportunity.

I sprinted across the street, narrowly avoiding the oncoming cars. Elle and the man turned in surprise as I ran toward them.

"Please, somebody help me, my sister's been abducted." I shouted in fluent Russian.

The other two didn't understand but Elle raised her eyebrow.

"How do you know?"

"She was missing since yesterday, she didn't come home. She was last seen just down there. Please, can you help? I can show you a photograph from my car. Please, she's only seventeen."

Elle looked at the man before he gave a curt nod and she followed me back across the road.

"I'll see you in your office." Elle said as she crossed the street.

As soon as the man disappeared inside, I pushed Elle into the side of my car and she fell on the floor, with a small cut on her forehead and her eyes slowly closing. For good measure, I covered her mouth with a damp cloth until her body fell limp and then put her in the trunk, tying her wrists and blindfolding her.

"Too bad you won't be seeing him again." I said under my breath as I drove off.

** JJ's POV **

The lights turned on and Angus was back, cleaning the floor.

"I'm sorry." I said as I saw him.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have left like that." He said before returning to his cleaning.

"I can help with that, if you want. I won't leave, if that's what you're thinking. I just want to help." I offered with a smile.

He seemed reluctant, but he cautiously undid the restraints and helped me to sit upright at the edge of the bed.

"Thank you." I hesitated before planting a kiss on his forehead.

He helped me to the floor and I started to brush up the food briskly and neatly into a small pile.

"You're good at this." He commented.

"What can I say? I'm a woman." I joked, reaching for the pan to put the rubbish in.

He reached at the same time, and our fingers brushed against each other. I felt the connection, but shrugged it off. I didn't want a relationship with an abductor, but I wanted to stay safe. I had to keep him happy.

"Thank you for helping." He said afterward, helping me up.

He made to tie the restraints again but I begged him not too.

"Please, I won't do anything. Don't you trust me?" I asked.

He stopped and perched at the edge of the bed, looking into my eyes.

"I trust you." He whispered, returning my kiss with a peck on the cheek before standing up. "I'll be back."

It wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

** Hotch's POV **

"Alex, thank you for your help. We're a bit thin on the ground now, with two agents gone."

"Not a problem. Always happy to help."

"I hope we catch this group, it needs to end."

"You will, Aaron. They're probably working around DC, there's a lot of rich businessmen who would have money and contacts."

"Where's Elle?" I suddenly realised that she hadn't come back.

"I'll go check."

Alex left and I was about to lock my office to leave when Alex returned breathlessly.

"Aaron, Elle's not there. The car and the woman have disappeared."


"Elle's gone, Aaron."

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