Chapter 49

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** NO ONE'S POV **

"Jennifer and Emily?" The doctor asked, removing his mask.

"Yes, that's us. How are they?"

"Alive. But they need to recover. They both lost a lot of blood and are extremely dehydrated. Another hour or so, and they wouldn't have made it. I'd say it's a minor miracle."

"Thank goodness. When can we see them?"

"A few hours. They've just come out of surgery, so should be waking up soon."

"Thank you so much." Agent Hotchner thanked the doctor, who smiled and left to return to his patients.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Garcia and Alex were sobbing as they hugged each other tightly. Rossi had his head bowed saying silent prayers of thank you, whilst Reid had finally stopped pacing back and forth.

"They're okay?" He asked, not sure what to believe.

"Yes, Spencer, it's going to be okay." Hotch confirmed with a smile.

** JJ's POV **

I woke up coughing and saw Emily asleep on the bed beside mine. 

"Emily?" I whispered, trying to sit up.

A doctor came in and told me to lie back, but I ignored him and attempted to pull the IV out of my arm.

"Please, ma'am, just lie down. Emily's fine, she just needs rest. Like you do." 

I sank back against my pillows, acknowledging just how tired I was. Emily was so beautiful, lying with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open. It was so comforting just to watch her, to feel her presence.

"I love you." I whispered and drifted off into a deep sleep.




I woke up again, and this time Emily was sitting up, slowly sipping from a plastic cup. She nearly dropped the cup in surprise.

"JJ!" She screamed and I laughed as the doctors came running in.

"It's fine, doctor, honestly." I grinned, blushing at the same time.

They checked us both over, but then agreed that everything was fine and backed out of the room. I moved over to the edge of my bed, and Emily swung her legs over the side of hers so that we were facing each other.

"JJ, I can't live without you, and I don't want to go anywhere without you. Ever."

"Emily, I'm so happy to have you back again, I was so scared and worried. I love you with all of my heart, and I don't want to spend any more time away from you. I want to get married today." I said, and she smiled.

"I would love that too, but when they say gowns, they mean wedding gowns, not hospital gowns." 

I chuckled and nearly chucked the pillow at her.

"Well, when we get discharged then."

She nodded and we held hands until the doctors returned with release papers.

"You are free to go today, as long as you sign these. But you will both need a lot of rest, so nothing strenuous and definitely no work."

We grinned at each other as we each signed our papers and then went to meet the team, who all hugged us tightly.

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