Chapter 17

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** JJ's POV **

My eyelids felt extremely heavy and there was a buzzing that filled my ears. Wait, that's not buzzing, it's someone talking.

"Hi, Jennifer." I heard. "Can you open your eyes?"

They slowly blinked open, and I saw the blurry outlines of several people.

"What's going on? Who are they?" 

There was a sound of shuffling and whispering before they left the room. There was just a woman dressed in blue standing by my bed.

"Jennifer, my name's Leah. You're in a hospital, can you tell me your last name?"

"Jennifer, um, I'm not sure. I can't think straight." 

"That's okay, don't worry. Now, can you remember anything about what happened to you? Why you're here?"

I thought hard for a moment.

"No. I don't remember anything. Please, what happened?"

"You were admitted with a GSW to the left shoulder. Upon further examination, we discovered that you were sexually assaulted, and badly malnourished. Your body was in its early stages of shutting down, so we induced a coma to allow your body to recover. There's something else."


"Miss, I'm afraid to say that you're six weeks pregnant."

 My hand instinctively moved to my stomach.

"I am? But, I'm not, I'm, what?" I couldn't believe it.

"I know this is a lot to digest. We'll let you get some rest. Would you like your visitors?"

"I have visitors?" 

"Yes, they arrived this morning. They've been frequent visitors over the past few weeks, they'll be pleased that you're awake."

"Okay." I said, but I couldn't think for the life of me who would be visiting.

The door opened and five people walked in, three men and two women. One of them was wearing a bright pink dress with pink stripes in her hair, with matching heels. The other woman wore a red shirt with black pants. She had a big smile on her face.

"Jayje." She said, reaching over to hug me.

I immediately recoiled, not sure who she is.

"Um, sorry, I don't remember who you are. My name's Jennifer." I said.

The woman stepped back looking slightly hurt but then she handed me something in a black case. An FBI badge.

Jennifer Mae Jareau 

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Communications and Media Liaison, Behavioral Analysis Unit

D.O.B. 07-22-1988

My fingers brushed over the badge and a lump rose in my throat.

"Jennifer Jareau." I whispered to myself, completely unaware that they had left the room again.

** Hotch's POV **

"What's wrong with her?" I asked the doctor.

"We believe she has retrograde amnesia following the induced coma. It's not clear if it's temporary or not, but I would suggest that your presence might make her memory come back. However, don't push her to remember, a lot of patients get frustrated when they cannot remember things. Excuse me."

"So what, we wait?" Emily asked.

"That's all we can do. And talk to her. Help her to remember. Emily, I want you to stay with her for a bit. I'll talk to Strauss, she'll understand. JJ needs someone right now, and I know you'll be able to help."

"Reid, do you think she'll get her memory back?" I asked him, unsure if I wanted to know the answer.

"Well it's too difficult to tell at the moment because there are a lot of variables to consider and she's only just woken up, but I think with you here it should help her."

"Someone should tell Derek." Dave said, and I nodded.

"I'll make the call."


I don't really know where this story is going at the moment, but I'm going to introduce some new team members from the show. They may not be in the right order of appearance from the show but I hope you enjoy.

Saffron xo


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