Chapter 25

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** Emily's POV **

I woke up when we drove over a bump, and the whole van shook. JJ was still out cold, lying on the floor next to me. She had her hands tied behind her back, like mine were.

"Jayje, honey, wake up." 

I planted a kiss on her forehead, ignoring how cold her skin was. I thought of her baby, which she had decided to keep, and prayed that it was alright. The van came to a halt around five minutes later, and I was lifted by my waist, whilst another man carried JJ over his shoulder.

"Let her go." I tried to shout, but they ignored me.

We were taken to a massive warehouse, and dropped into a cage that was no bigger than a prison cell. JJ still hadn't woken up, and I started to kick the door. I thought we were alone because it was so quiet, so I was shocked when I started to hear moaning and crying all around me.

The lights snapped on and my body was filled with fear and horror. There were several cells, all identical to ours, with two girls in each, lined up and filling the room. There had to be over 200 girls or more. They were all dressed in the same white tank top and black shorts, and had sallow skin with dark eyes from not seeing the sunlight for so long.

I tried to remember what had happened, but I was feeling slightly dizzy. JJ and I had gone to meet Anna at a coffee shop, and JJ went to order coffee. I heard her yell something and then the door swung open, and there were three men with guns. I turned back to Anna, but she had vanished. I went to help her, and saw that a man had his finger on the trigger with a gun to her head. Without thinking, I dived towards him, knocking him backwards as the gun fell to the floor. He hit the ground and I went to grab my gun from the holster but I felt a pair of arms tighten around my body, pinning my hands to my waist. The man tied my wrists together and went to help his friend who was still fighting JJ. A shelf had collapsed, and my vision was obscured by coffee and sugar, but I saw a flash of metal and saw the other man lift a tray above his head.

"Jayje!" I cried out but it was no use.

She hit the ground as he swung the tray, knocking her unconscious. It was all over, we were being carried to a van parked outside and I felt a cold patch stuck to my skin. The last thing I remember before my body went to sleep was the horror on the coffee shop owner's face as she emerged from behind the counter, where she had hidden.

** JJ's POV **

"Emily..." I moaned, trying to sit up.

"Jayje, oh my god." She said as soon as I opened my eyes.

"Emily, where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know, JJ. I'm sorry. But there are others."

"Wait, what?" I rubbed my eyes.

"There are loads of girls. Different ages, nationalities, I think."

"So this is like, trafficking?" I asked as it dawned on me.

"Jayje, we need to find a way out of here, contact the team. They can stop this."

"How? We can't get out of this cage, Em?" I started to cry, trying to hold myself together and failing.

"JJ, we will get through this. And you have me, always. okay?"

** Hotch's POV **

"Garcia, can you ping JJ's phone? I've called her about ten times, no answer. I called Emily, nothing."

I went to Garcia's office as soon as I arrived at work.

"JJ's was last seen at a coffee shop near her house, with Emily's in the same place. But last activity was two hours ago."


I stopped by Morgan's office on the way out.

"Hotch?" He asked.

"JJ and Emily haven't shown up, or answered any of my messages. I just want to check their last known."

"I'm coming with you."


As I pulled up outside the coffee shop, I saw the squad cars, and I saw the broken glass.

"Excuse me, FBI, what happened?" I asked the officer.

"Break in, three armed men in masks. Professionals. They didn't take anything, but they did take two customers. One was unconscious when she was carried out, they said. The owner, Sophie, said that one of the women had a gun, and the other tried to attack the men. Descriptions differ between customers, but they all agree that one was blonde and the other was a brunette."

"Can I show them a picture?" I asked, getting out my phone.

He led me to one of the witnesses, who had a cut on her forehead but was otherwise unharmed.

"Excuse me, my name's Aaron Hotchner, with the FBI. If I show you a picture, do you think you can identify the two women from the coffee shop?"

"Sure." She said, shaking.

" She said, shaking

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"Yes, that's them. The blonde had a gun, but the man was pointing a gun at her head, so the other one charged at him and knocked him over, but there was a man behind her and he grabbed her arms and tied them. And then the blonde pushed one into the counter and the shelf above shattered, and then she turned around and she was hit on the head by a tray or something. That's all I remember, I'm sorry."

I patted her shoulder and went to talk to Morgan.

"Morgan, it was JJ and Emily. They were taken."

Morgan turned and punched the wall.

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