Chapter 30

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** Morgan's POV **

"What? How did that happen? I'm on my way." I said as Hotch told me what had happened.

I drove out of HQ as quickly as possible, ignoring the questions from my boss. Elle was missing, and I didn't want her to be hurt like JJ and Emily. Hotch and Alex were still at the office, and Hotch was calling the rest of the team. I didn't care what Erin said, I was going to help in whatever way possible.

After getting my visitor's badge, I raced up to level six.

"Hotch!" I said as soon as I arrived.

"Garcia's pulling security footage as we speak."

"How did this happen, Hotch? She was right outside?"

"Morgan, calm down. If you can't act rationally, then take a walk. Elle was talking to a woman outside, she seemed frantic. I don't know what she said, she was talking Russian."

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just want to catch whoever's behind all of this."

"Guys I have something." Garcia said.

"Derek chocolate thunder Morgan you're here, thank the Lord."

"Garcia." Hotch said.

"You're right, sorry. Sir, I found her. The woman with Elle. Running through ViCAP at the moment, but who wants to bet she's not in the system. They walk towards her car, and then two minutes later, the car drives off. They're gone."

"Garcia, can you zoom in to where the window is?" Reid asked from the corner.

"Sure, boy wonder, what is it?"

"Look in the window, the glass reflection. The woman's lifting Elle up. I think she's part of the group. She used a ruse, got Elle alone, and then drives off with her."

"So this was another coordinated attack?" I asked.

"Reid's right. We need to look at this from a new angle." Hotch agreed.

"Someone hates the FBI?" Garcia suggested.

"No, it's deeper than that. Wait, look at records for missing woman between ages 20 and 40 in DC over the past two years."

"Wow, that number is way too high. Over one thousand, sir."

"And how many of them hold high-profile jobs?"

"Three hundred and forty three." 

"Still quite high. They don't appear to have a certain type." Reid said.

"So maybe it is just a trafficking ring. They just pick random targets."

"But what are the odds of taking three FBI agents in three days?"

"Reid, I don't know. But this is getting serious. Nobody's safe." I said.

"I got a hit." Garcia called out and we gathered round her computer.

"The woman from the surveillance camera is Anna Lenkov, former Russian student. She arrived for her first year enrolled at Georgetown University, and then went off the grid."

"Georgetown? Isn't that where JJ and Emily went?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. In fact, Emily and Anna were in the same year of school. Oh that's not good."

"What is it?" Hotch and Alex asked together.

"Anna was at the coffee shop moments before the break in. But she wasn't there afterwards. There's no footage for her leaving, even though this one shows her walking in."

"So she went out another way?"

"She's smart. She knows where the cameras are." Garcia said.

"So she's working with the unsubs. She snatches women, whilst they do what they want."

"Well it would certainly be easier for a woman to kidnap women, after all, you'd be more likely to trust a woman, who appears non-threatening." Reid explained.

"So we need to work out how the unsubs are choosing their victims." Alex added.

"We need to catch these guys."

** Elle's POV **

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked when my blindfold was removed.

"That's no way to talk to me." The man punched my jaw, sending blood flying.

"Fuck you." I spat.

He stormed off before returning with another man.

"Angus, what do we do? She won't shut up."

"Hey, there's no need to talk in Russian. I can understand you, you know." I said.

"Put her with the other agent." The other man said and walked out.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I shouted, trying to resist being picked up. "Let go of me."

He ignored me and carried me through a long hallway to a small room with another woman. 

"JJ?" My eyes opened wide as I saw her lying in bed, her eyes half-closed.

"Elle? What are you doing here?" She asked.

I couldn't answer because a thick cloth was tied around my mouth and I was laid on another bed, beside her. Except mine had thick leather restraints. I tried to shout but my words were muffled. JJ had her eyes closed as I tried to wriggle out of the restraints. 

When the man left, she sat up and attempted to stand, but her legs wobbled and she collapsed back on the bed. 

"I'm sorry." She kept repeating to herself, and to me, all through the night.

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