Chapter 45

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** JJ's POV **

Shit. I thought as I woke up, the light creeping in through the curtains. The overwhelming feeling of nausea hit me and I sprinted to the bathroom, reaching it just in time. After I wretched my stomach contents up, I sat on my heels and tried to remember what had happened.

"Emily?" I called and a moment later, I heard the clattering of empty bottles and cans.

I slowly headed back downstairs, shivering slightly as my bare feet touched the cold wooden floor. I relaxed as I hit the soft carpet at the bottom of the stairs. Emily was sprawled on the floor, holding her head.

"Are you alright?"

"Well I kicked some bottles, and I have a banging headache, but yeah, sure."  She replied and slowly sat up, grabbing my arm for support.

"Damn, this is a real mess isn't it?" I chuckled cheerfully.

"JJ, I just wanted to say..."

I interrupted her with a firm but loving kiss and she smiled.

"Come on then, this won't clean itself up." She said, collecting a black bag from the kitchen.

We spent the day cleaning and tidying the house so by 6 pm, we could actually see the floor again. Exhausted, I collapsed next to her on the couch, resting my head on her shoulder.

"So, what now?" I asked with a smile.

"Maybe I could show you just how sorry I am?" She said with a wink, heading upstairs.

I grinned and followed, practically pushing her into the bedroom and shutting the door. I took my shirt off and she did the same, lying on her back.

"Wow, JJ, you really are good." She moaned as I straddled her and started kissing every inch of her skin.

"Shhh." I said and carried on until I reached her hips.

She grabbed the bed sheets as I began to eat her out and screamed out loud. I didn't stop until she was panting, out of breath, but contempt.

"JJ, promise you'll never leave." She said breathlessly.

I laughed and laid beside her.

"Never." I responded with my arm around her waist.


When our phones rang, it was still dark outside. We were still lying on top of the bed, the sheets all crumpled and our bodies were entwined like two growing vines.

I groaned and reached over to answer mine as Emily did the same.

"Jennifer Jareau."

"Emily Prentiss." She said from behind me.

"Sorry, JJ, it's Hotch. We have a case, and we need you."

"Be there in twenty." I said, and Emily said the same.

"Great." She rolled her eyes, standing up and heading to the bathroom.

"Wait up, I need to shower too!" I shouted, following her quickly.

"We could save water and time if you came with me?" She laughed and we stepped into the shower together.

After trying to shower together for five minutes, I gave up and waited for Emily to finish before washing my hair.

"God, it always seems better when you think about it than when you actually do it." I said as I towel-dried my hair in the bedroom.

"I know, right?"

Emily was putting on her pants with a dark red shirt and I chose a pale pink blouse with puffed sleeves and a black skirt with a matching blazer.

"JJ, how do you always look so gorgeous?" She asked enviously as I straightened my hair and applied lipstick.

"Shut up, Em, you're beautiful."

We argued all the way to the BAU, where Hotch was waiting with a stern expression.

"Guys, I'm terribly sorry to have to do this, but it's important." He said as we approached.

"This can't be good." I muttered under my breath.

"Strauss ordered this, I had no say in the matter." Hotch explained as we walked into the BAU briefing room.

Gathered round the table were Alex Blake, Garcia, Spencer, Rossi and Erin Strauss.

"Take a seat, Jareau and Prentiss." Erin said.

We sat beside each other, just as confused. I tried to look to Garcia for some comfort but she was staring at the floor

"I understand you've been through a lot recently, and you were supposed to have time off from the Bureau, but we have an important case in Chicago and we need you."

"What's the case?" Emily asked, expressionless.

"A serial killer who's been targetting lesbian couples around the district. We need you two to go undercover." 

As soon as she said those words, my stomach tightened and so did Emily's grip on my hand.

"No." She said firmly.


"JJ, no. We've only just found each other, and I'm not losing you to some psycho with homosexual issues."

"Emily, stop. I can't live my life hiding from the world. And I don't want to give up this job."

"But, JJ. They'll turn us into bait, to catch the unsub. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"It's a difficult decision, and I'll give you a half hour to think. But Boston PD are waiting for us, and they need our help." Strauss said before dismissing us.

"Emily, please." I begged her.

"JJ, I love you." She kissed my hand softly.

"I love you so much, but those victims had families that loved them too. I don't want this unsub to harm anyone else."

Emily fell silent for a moment, and I refused to look in her eyes.

"Fine, we can go, but I want to be there to keep you safe."

"Emily, the team will be there. They'll be waiting for the unsub, it will be fine." I said, returning a kiss on her cheek.

She nodded and followed me to Strauss' office where we gave her the news.

"That's good. The plane is about to leave, Agent Hotchner can brief you on the way." 

"I'm not sure about this, Jayje." Emily said as we left the building.

"Emily, stop worrying." I said, but inside I was absolutely terrified. Emily was right, we'd only just found each other. I can't lose her again.


Sorry it's taken so long, school has been extremely demanding, but I promise to update more!!!! 

Also, this story is nearly finished so let me know if you have any new story ideas. I'm writing a Jeid fanfic as you read so hopefully that will be out soon.

Saffron xo

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