Chapter 47

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** JJ's POV **

I woke up shivering, realizing that I had gone to bed without the covers. Emily was curled up in the fetal position, and she looked adorable. I wanted to hold on to that moment, but my phone rang.

"How are you guys doing?" Rossi asked.

"Alright, I guess. What's the deal with the unsub? Did you catch him on CCTV?"

"Sadly not. Garcia combed through the footage with Kevin, they came up empty."

"So you don't know who left the message or the envelope?"

"No. JJ, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Rossi, it's not your fault. I guess we'll just have to be even more vigilant now."

I hung up and looked at the ceiling, wishing I was back at home. Emily started to stir, so I kissed her to speed up the process, and she sat upright, rubbing her eyes.

"It's been two days, and still nothing?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Emily, I think we need to go out again. I've been trying and trying to think, but I just can't remember anyone from the diner. Maybe if we go again we can see something?"

She sighed but agreed.

"Let's go and get some breakfast then."

We got dressed, I wore a tight-fitting tank top and running shorts whilst Emily wore a loose running top and tracksuit pants. We walked through the morning air to the diner, which was once again, busy. This was going to be difficult, I thought, as we sat down in the same table as before.

Emily and I shared a stack of pancakes and I was just taking a sip from my coffee when something caught my eye. It was only for a second, but I saw a woman glare angrily at us before moving away. She had something in her hand, but I missed it. I remembered those cold grey eyes though.

"Emily." I whispered urgently.

"What is it?"

"I think the unsub's a woman."

Emily swallowed and looked around but the woman had already gone.

"What makes you say that?"

"Think about it, the MO is exactly precise and identical, and the victims weren't beaten or assaulted. They were left fully clothed with their eyes closed and they were asphyxiated. It feels very feminine. But also, I saw someone. It was just a split-second feeling, but I could feel her eyes on us and when I looked she was staring at us. And then she was gone."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, Em, I'm positive. I hope the team saw that too."

"We need to go, now." 

She dragged me out of the diner and we hurried home, locking the door as soon as we arrived. I speed-dialed Hotch and he answered on the first ring.

"We saw everything, JJ. Garcia's running her face through ViCAP now."

We heard the ping from Garcia's computer and she gasped loudly.

"The woman in the diner is Dasha Palitova, she's actually only 18, but she has a juvenile record for aggravated assault and some behavioral issues. She's moved schools four times this past year, and recently moved to Boston with her mother."

"Right, you two stay put, Garcia send me the address." Hotch said firmly.

"You've got to be kidding me." Emily said, but Hotch did not relent.

"I mean it, she's openly targeted you to. It's not safe."

Hotch hung up and I looked over to Emily who had anger in her eyes.

"Em, you heard what he said. Dasha's dangerous. She could be anywhere."

"Right you are." Came a cold voice from behind us.

We turned around and saw Dasha holding a gun, standing in the doorway. She had a belt in her other hand and was aiming for Emily's heart.




When I woke up, I wasn't with Emily. We weren't in the bungalow, and I couldn't see Dasha.

"Emily?" I called out.

"She won't hear you." Dasha said from behind, walking into view.

I struggled against the thick binding ropes but failed to loosen them.

"What do you want?"

"I want answers." Dasha replied, sitting in front of me.

"Go to hell, you bitch." I spat, but she seemed unfazed.

"Why do you want Emily?"

"Because I love her."

"Why do you love her?"

"Because she's amazing. She's beautiful, strong, caring, gentle, and she's always there for me."

"Where is she then?"

"I don't know, you have her somewhere."

"What did your parents say when they found out about you?"

"My mom didn't like it. She wanted me to be normal, to like boys, to settle down and have a family with a husband and kids."

"Why did you disobey her?"

"Because all I want is Emily. You know what that's like, right?" I asked her.

She suddenly stopped, her eyes became glassy, and she started blinking rapidly. 

"Who was she?" 

"Her name is Emma. The most beautiful girl I ever saw. She was my best friend ever since I was little. But my mother found out about us, one night we were in the same bed in just our underwear, and she banned me from seeing her. We were just thirteen."

"I'm sorry, Dasha."

"She tried to beat my feelings out of me, but I still love her. I still love girls. I thought that this would somehow help, but it hasn't. What is happening to me?"

Dasha just broke down crying in front of me and I couldn't move to comfort her. I thought of Emily, and then of Emma. Maybe Garcia could find her, when we finally get out of here.

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