Chapter 11

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** JJ's POV **

I felt my eyelids starting to close when he came back in. The lights were blinding as they turned on, but I couldn't shield my eyes.

"Hello, Jennifer. It's time to play."

"Play what?"

He sat across from me, a can of beer in his hand.

"Truth or dare?"


"I said, truth or dare? Choose carefully, but whatever you choose, you have to stick with."

"Please, I just want to go home." I said, exhausted.

"Truth or dare." He said slowly, anger building in his voice.

"No. I'm not going to play your stupid game. What do you really want, you sick son of a bitch?"

The pain radiated throughout my body as he slammed me backwards so I toppled over, landing awkwardly as the chair broke. My wrists and ankles were still bound, but my right arm struck out at an awkward angle.

"You did that, you bitch. Now, I won't ask again. Truth or dare."

After a pause, I swallowed hard and chose truth, not looking in his eye.

"Who on your team do you care the most about?"

"Why do you care? Why did you choose me?" I asked instead of replying.

"That's not how the game works, or have you forgotten? Thought you were smarter than that."

"I'm not going to play your game, so just stop this."

"Man, you are teasing me." He laughed, draining his beef and chucking the can against the wall, making me jump.

All of a sudden, he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me towards the door.

"Stop it. Where are you taking me?"

I tried to scream as he dragged me to another room but my lungs were tired and I couldn't see anyone. I couldn't see much of anything. He pressed a cold towel over my face and I passed out.

** Garcia's POV **

I started to delve deep into JJ's past with Morgan beside me.

"Do you think it's weird that I'm searching through years of her life that none of us know anything about? I mean, she isn't here to give us permission to learn all of this stuff about her."

"Baby girl, nothing weird about you. Now what have you got?"

"So, JJ had a normal childhood, her family pictures show a happy child with an older sister. Oh, but her sister died at the age of seventeen, suicide apparently. JJ was eleven at the time, she transferred schools when her parents split and became the captain of varsity soccer at her high school. She applied to Pittsburg University before transferring to Georgetown. After graduating, she applied the following fall to the FBI Academy, and became an agent at the age of 26.  No signs of any serious relationships and no scorned ex-lovers. Nothing. She's just gone." My voice broke off and I felt Derek's soft arms envelop me in a hug.

"Baby girl, it's okay. It's okay."

Suddenly my computer flashed and a photograph appeared.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." I felt nauseous and had to leave. "I can't do this." I said as I headed out to the bathroom.

I couldn't see JJ like that any longer, unconscious and not moving. The photograph was horrific, there was blood on the floor and a large gash down her leg. I hope she's still alive.


Sorry it's a shitty chapter, but I'm trying. I may have made up a few JJ facts for this, so don't hate on me. Love you thanks for reading.

Saffron xo

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