Chapter 26

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So from now on, bold writing is words in Russian. Enjoy.

** JJ's POV **

I noticed one of the girls in the cage opposite staring at us. I crawled slowly to the bars, my body was exhausted and lacking energy.

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't know. A year? Maybe two?" The girl replied, her voice cracked and weak.

"I'm JJ. This is Emily. What's your name?"

"Katarina. I lived in Poland before I moved here with my parents for school. I was fifteen. I don't know how old I am now."

The reality hit me and I started to cry, my whole body trembling. Emily had joined me and wrapped her cold arms around me. Even though everywhere was cold, I could feel the warmth shared between us.

"Emily, I can't do this." I whispered.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here."

"What are we doing here? Why is this happening?"

As I asked, Emily told me to be quiet. I then heard snippets of conversation.

"Feds, huh. They'll get top dollar."

"Where are we taking them?"

"To Johan. He's got a shipment lined up at the end of the week."

"So what should we do in the meantime?"

I didn't understand any of it, but Emily's face said everything.


"They're going to ship us somewhere. They know we're FBI agents."

"I hope that Hotch knows we're missing, otherwise they have a head start." I started to cry again.

My tears dried as two men walked towards the cage. I backed away, my back hitting the bars behind me. It felt like the walls of the cage where getting closer and closer and I couldn't breath.

"Time to have some fun." The man said, opening the cage.

Emily screamed as she was picked up roughly, and I tried to fight as the second man stepped in front of me, gripping my body tightly.

"They're fighters, Mitch."

"Son of a bitch." Emily shouted.

She was stopped as his fist collided with her jaw, sending blood flying.


We were carried to a bigger cage, must be two prison cells, with a bed in the middle and a table full of lethal-looking instruments. I writhed as he put me down on the bed, tying my legs to the posts.

I stopped when I heard loud claps and cheers coming from all around. The lights turned on in the background and I saw a large group of men all crowding around the cage, with briefcases and cash.

"Opening bids!" One of the men shouted to the crowd, and they went wild.

"Let her go!" Emily yelled and I started shouting back.

"No. Stop this."

One of the men had a belt in his hand and money in the other. He wore an evil grin as he walked towards me. I looked over at Emily, who was tied to a chair in the corner, tears filling my eyes.

"Stop." I whispered before giving up.

The pain was excruciating as the metal buckle hit my bare skin, opening an old cut. The crowd began to cheer louder and louder as the belt hit a second time. I could hear Emily sobbing in behind me, and I let out another scream as he struck a third time, blood flooding the sheets.


Someone spoke in Russian and he stopped. I couldn't see from all of the tears, but I could sense another man walking towards me.

"Sweetheart, you're crying. Let me make it better." He whispered, his hand feeling his way up my leg.

"Stop." I begged, but he ignored me and pulled off my shorts and underwear.

Emily was cursing at the top of her lungs whilst he pushed hard, making me bleed even more. This is entertainment? I thought. His breath stank of stale alcohol and cigarettes as he kissed my abdomen, my neck, my lips. Angry, I spat in his face and that's when everything changed. He got rougher, ignoring my protests. He ripped off my tank top so that I was naked, and repeated his torture. My fingers clawed at the bed frame as he continued.

"Please don't hurt my baby." I pleaded, and he stopped.

"You're pregnant?"

"Only a few months. Please." I cried.

He stood up, horrified, and went to talk to his boss. He came back a minute later and untied me, carrying my limp body over to a chair. I let my head hit the arm of the chair as I passed out.

** Emily's POV **

I couldn't listen to JJ's screaming, but my arms were tied to the chair. JJ's cries cut through me like a blunt blade ripping out my heart and I couldn't help her. I swore at the men continuously in an effort to block out her screams, but it was futile. The crowd just cheered louder and louder.

But then the screaming stopped. She told him she was pregnant. The man moved to talk to his boss and then untied her from the bed and sat her beside me.

"Jayje?" I whispered.

"Shut it." The man snarled.

He was undoing the straps on the chair and he carried me to the bed that was painted with JJ's blood.

"Your turn, sweetheart. And you aren't pregnant." He grinned, tying my legs to the posts.

The pain only lasted for about a minute before I passed out.

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