Chapter 24

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** Emily's POV **

When JJ handed me the letter, I immediately knew it was from Anna. But I didn't understand how she knew that I'd moved in with JJ. Was she watching me?

Dear Emily,

I know it's a bit out of the blue, but I need to talk to you. Somebody killed my family and they're after me. I know you work for the FBI and I was hoping you'd help me. Please, I don't know who else to turn to. At least meet me tomorrow morning at Sophie's Coffee. 8 am, I'll wait ten minutes. Hope you're doing well, and I'm happy for you.


As I read, I could feel JJ's breath on my shoulder, so I knew she was reading it too, even if she had to stand on her tiptoes to read it.

"You should go, Em, she needs you."

"Jayje, I haven't seen her for over ten years. We've both changed. It's not that simple."

"Well, how about we both go? She needs help, and if we can't do anything, at least we can try and give some advice."

I still wasn't convinced.

"Jayje, what if it's part of some bigger conspiracy, like that case we had a few years back (picture the Honor Among Thieves episode)? I don't want to get the team involved."

"Well, we won't know that until we go." 

I gave up. "Fine, we'll go. Thank you for doing this with me." I kissed her and she led me upstairs.

"I've been waiting for this." 

She pushed me onto her bed and locked the door. I unbuttoned her shirt as she slipped off my pants. Her lips tasted of cherries as she licked my skin, and I started to moan.

"Oh Jayje." 


She interrupted me with another kiss and I ran my hands through her silky honey blonde hair. She straddled me and pulled off my underwear. 

"God Jayje." As she found my sweet spot.

We were done after midnight, panting as we lay next to each other.

"Wow, you sure know how to work it." I said.

JJ just laughed, "You're not too bad yourself."

We fell asleep, still naked, and JJ had her arm around my waist.

** JJ's POV **

The next morning, I woke up early and decided to make breakfast. Emily was still purring softly as I went downstairs. She appeared as the aroma of coffee and french toast filled the house.

"JJ, where have you been hiding all these years, your cooking is amazing."

I gave her a kiss in response and she pushed me against the wall, undoing the knot of my robe.

"Em, we've got to meet Anna in half an hour." I said and she bit her lip. 

I couldn't resist but start kissing her body all over again.

"Okay, fine." She said, and pulled me upstairs to get ready.

I wore a simple black shirt and a skirt whilst Em wore her dark green shirt, the one I wore to work once.

"I don't look as good as you." She commented, standing in front of the mirror as she brushed her hair.

"You look gorgeous." I pecked her cheek and picked up my purse. "Shall we?"

As we walked to the coffee shop, which was just two blocks away, I turned to Emily.

"Are you nervous?"

"I don't know, Jayje, I haven't seen or heard from her for so long."

"She still thought of you after all this time, Em, it'll be fine. Trust me." I squeezed her hand as we arrived.

The coffee shop was basically empty, except for maybe four or five people. Emily scanned the room for Anna, and she saw a petite blonde woman in the corner, typing furiously on a small macbook pro.

"Anna?" She whispered as we approached the table.

"Emily, you came." There was relief in her voice and I'm glad I persuaded Emily to go. "And you brought your friend."

"Anna, this is Jennifer, or JJ. JJ this is Anna."

We shook hands, and I felt how nervous she was because her hands were shaking slightly.

"So, how've you been?" Emily asked.

I went to get some coffee, and I noticed a small movement out of the corner of my eye, coming from outside. Without hesitation, I yelled for everyone to get down and drew my gun.

A group of armed men stormed inside, all dressed in black from head to toe, and walked straight toward me. One man stood in front whilst two others scanned the room.

"Get your ass on the ground." He snarled, but I stood my ground.

"What do you want?" 

"Move." He pointed the gun in my face so I could look down the barrel.

Emily rushed to join me from the corner and I shoved her behind me.

"No, Em, don't."

"She's not here." One of the other men grunted.

"We have to take care of these two." The other said.

"No. Stop." 

Emily stepped from behind me and before I knew it, she'd launched herself at the man in front of me, knocking his gun to the floor. I aimed a kick at the man behind me, catching him by surprise. He grabbed my leg before I could regain my balance and we both fell to the ground. I felt something sharp press hard but I stood up again and shoved him hard into the counter. A shelf above fell, and several jars of coffee and sugar smashed, sending granules flying everywhere. I covered my eyes and picked up my gun.

"Jayje!" I heard a scream and turned around, too late.

Cold metal collided with my head and I fell once more.


It's a shit chapter, I'm sorry, but you'll get to see more of Anna. Finished my essay, so yay.

Saffron xo

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