Chapter 50 - ONE YEAR LATER

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** Emily's POV **

JJ and I sat side by side, holding hands tightly. The waiting room was filling up and JJ's foot kept tapping up and down anxiously.

"JJ, relax, it'll be alright."

"I know, I just cannot wait." She smiled, her gorgeous blue eyes sparkling in the bright lights.

"Jareau-Prentiss?" The doctor called out, coming into the reception area.

We stood up and followed the woman in to her office and sat down, still holding hands. She had a thick file on her desk and was scrolling on her computer.

"So, I've got your results here. And I'm pleased to say it's good news, you've been approved. Insemination starts in two weeks, and you're all set to go."

JJ and I beamed at each other ecstatically and I squeezed her hand.

"JJ, we're going to be moms!"




JJ's stomach was extremely large, but the baby bump was beautiful. We wanted a girl, but would love a boy just the same. 

"I don't want to know the gender yet, I want it to be a surprise." JJ said and I agreed.

"That would be lovely. I wonder what we'd name our baby." 

We both thought hard and settled on two options for boys and girls: Emma Marie Jareau-Prentiss, Amber Rochelle Jareau-Prentiss, Nathaniel Joel Jareau-Prentiss and Ethan Dalton Jareau-Prentiss. 

I couldn't wait for those final few months to fly by and for our baby to be born. JJ was getting extremely tired all the time, but she kept active and busy around the house, after being practically forced out of the office.

"JJ, you can't go to work seven months pregnant." Hotch had told her.

She tried to argue but gave up quickly, and instead took her maternity leave so that she could rest at home. That didn't stop her reading through the files that the team were currently going through.

"Emily, I cannot wait to drink caffeine again." She groaned, her hand resting on her stomach.

"I know, baby, but at least it's worth it. To have our own family." I kissed her lips and then the bump.

"You're mummies love you very much, baby." I whispered and JJ giggled.

"Man, I am hungry." She sighed and waddled to the kitchen.

Even heavily pregnant, she was beautiful, graceful and glowing. Her skin was a natural bronze and her hair was so golden and shiny, I swear she could not be so perfect.

** JJ's POV **

"EMILY!" I screamed, feeling the wet bed sheets. "I think my water's broken!"

She sprinted up the stairs and hurried me out, grabbing the emergency go-bag on the way. I insisted that it would still be a while yet, but she wanted to take me to hospital anyway. The contractions had started, and I gripped Emily's hand during the journey.

"Emily, seriously, if this baby doesn't come out soon, I don't know how much longer I can stand it." I said through gritted teeth.

We pulled up outside the hospital and I was rushed into the maternity ward. Emily flashed her FBI badge around and I was surrounded by midwives and doctors and nurses who were poking and prodding everywhere.

"Ma'am, we'll give you ice chips for now, but it's too early to start pushing." 

I nodded and looked to Emily, who was grinning like mad.

"I'll call the team." She said and went outside to call Hotch.

Finally after what felt like days, the nurses said I could push, and they brought Emily back. I didn't let go of her hand during labour, until we finally heard the crying of our baby.

"Say hello to your baby girl." The nurse said, wrapping the baby in a pink blanket.

I was about to reach out to hold my baby when I felt a sudden surge of pain, and my vision started going blurry. I tried to scream for Emily but I passed out and the last thing I heard was my baby's crying in the background, piercing my ears.

** Emily's POV **

I was forced out of JJ's room and met with the team who were gathered in the waiting room. Garcia saw the worry in my eyes and rushed to give me a hug.

"What's going on, Em? Where's JJ?"

My face collapsed and I sobbed into her arms.

"I don't know, something went wrong. JJ gave birth to our baby, then she just passed out and they won't tell me anything."

I was comforted by everyone as well as congratulated, and nervously bit my finger nails whilst waiting for the slightest amount of news. At long last, the midwife came to talk to us.

"Emily Prentiss?"

"Yes, how's my wife? And my baby?"

The midwife smiled, "Actually, it's babies. Emily, you and Jennifer have had twins!" She said and it took a moment for me to understand.

"Wait, twins?" I repeated, shocked.

"Yes, two baby girls. Congratulations, Jennifer is resting but you can go and see her now."

"Thank you so much." I said giving her an unexpected hug.

The team followed me inside JJ's room, where she was talking to one of the nurses who had a bundle of blankets in her arms.

"Here, Em, meet our two baby princesses."

"I thought I was your princess." I grinned and she laughed.

"So, are we going for Emma and Amber?" She suggested, gently rocking one of the twins.

"They're perfect, JJ, just perfect."

The nurse carefully handed over my baby and I couldn't stop the tears falling, I was so overjoyed.

"Hello, Amber, I love you so much. Just like your baby sister." 

JJ was cuddling Emma and the moment was so perfect, the team were all smiling and some were crying with happiness, I couldn't be prouder of JJ.

"JJ, this is wonderful. We have our beautiful family surrounding us." I smiled at the team, who all grinned.

"I couldn't wish for any other family." JJ agreed, placing a loving kiss on my lips. "Thank you everyone, we couldn't be happier."

"And Spence and Garcia, we want you two to be Emma and Amber's godparents, if you'd like." I said shyly, knowing they would be so pleased.

"But we expect all of you round for babysitting duties!" JJ added, and the whole room erupted into laughter.

As the evening rolled in, we were all so happy and tired at the same time, but it was a perfect day. The team had gone back to work, leaving us alone. Emma and Amber were still sleeping soundly, and JJ had her head resting on mine as I lay next to her in bed.

"JJ?" I whispered. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Em, more than you'll ever know. And now I can't wait to be a mother to these two angels."

"Me neither." I replied.

And that was that.


So that's the end of that story, I hope you liked it. Please comment any suggestions you may have. Just want to say a quick thank you to @zkdtallday for being so supportive of this story, new one coming soon!!!

Saffron xo

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