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The light from your front porch was the only thing keeping you from tumbling into the darkness. It was late. Awfully late. There wasn't a cloud in the sky that night; the stars were twinkling brightly, decorating the sky like hundreds of little freckles.

You looked to your left to see your neighbour (and best friend) Peter, sneakily coming out of his front door like you did minutes before. He was equipped with a backpack that would contain everything you would need. From the light from his porch, you could see his lopsided smile in noticing your presence. He waved silently, jogging down the stairs to get to you. You hopped off the porch as well, turning on the flash of your phone to assist you in not tripping over anything.

Where the two of you lived, the streetlights didn't begin until a few streets over. After sunset, the only thing that could guide you were torches and the front lights of passing houses. It was quite inconvenient for people who enjoyed late night srolls with their best friend.

"Hey," you said simply, walking closer to Peter.
"Hey." He replied, beginning to head down the footpath and further away from the houses. The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, his arm eventually finding its way around your shoulders. You leant into his side, holding his wrist as the two of you walked. Your phone had been transferred into Peter's spare hand, allowing you to see what was in front of you.

Even though there wasn't a conversation, you knew exactly where you were going; the park. The park was the place. Whenever you snuck out, yourself and Peter would walk down to the park, stargaze and talk about life. It was there where some of the most important conversations in your relationship have happened. It is partially the reason why the two of you were so close now.

When the park was in close range, Peter turned off the flash on your phone, pocketing it momentarily in his hoodie. The park had four dim lights, enough to provide comfort in brightness, but still few- and dark- enough to accurately look at the stars.

When you got to the spot on the grass that the two of you would sit at, he removed his arm. A cold chill blew through you as you wrapped your arms around yourself. He saw your sudden coldness, giving you your phone before sitting down and taking off his backpack. He removed a warm blanket, smiling softly up at you.

"Coming down?" Peter hummed, tapping on the grass beside him. You sat down, feeling him immediately wrap the blanket around the both of your shoulders. Warmth greeted you, smothering you kindly.

"Thank you." You said after a while, "for everything, you know. I don't think I say it enough to you these days."

You looked to see Peter staring directly back at you. He chuckled lightheartedly, his shoulders brushing against yours. "You don't need to say thank you to me. You simply being my friend is enough." His smile from before didn't disappear.

"Seriously?" You asked in disbelief.

"Seriously. You're my best friend."

"By god, I love you." You sighed, turning away and leaning into his side once again, "you're literally one of my favourite people."

You didn't see as Peter pursed his lips in disappointment. He eventually snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer into him. Your head leant onto his shoulder, smiling softly. If only that 'I love you' was said meant in the same way as Peter says it.

"Likewise, Y/N," he sighed, "likewise."

Elle x

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