BUCKY BARNES || Therapy {2}

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The chatter became almost comforting in the waiting room. He had heard it for so long now that he felt awkward when there was quiet. The looks and questions people served towards him were still hitting home in a way, but it never deterred him from returning. He had come very close with this therapist, after all.

"Bucky?" You hummed, immediately making eye contact with the man in the far corner. A small smile etched up onto his face as he stood, making his way over to you.

"Hey, Doll." He replied, following you to your office, "how have you been?"

"I've been good, thank you," You laughed, "but I do believe that this session is in fact about you." Bucky's smile didn't fade as he took his usual spot on the couch.

"Oh, well, I like talking about you sometimes." He shrugged, "I feel like the attention should be shared around equally"

You rolled your eyes playfully as you glimpsed at your clipboard, quickly revising on what had happened last time the two of you met up. "I think that's the point of a therapy lesson, but anyways..." you crisscrossed your legs on the couch, throwing the clipboard behind you, "how have you been? And I mean really been? We need to get to the serious stuff first so please don't try and swerve me."

Bucky's smile flattened the slightest bit, making you furrow your eyebrows. "I am better than what I was before." He said simply. He was telling the truth then, you could tell, but by his body language that you can now expertly read, he wasn't sharing everything.

"Have the nightmares stopped?"

Bucky sighed audibly, crossing his arms over his chest; a sign of nervousness or being uncomfortable. "N-no. Not completely, anyways." He shook his head, "they are less frequent now, and I can end them if I focus in on it enough."

You nodded, "have you been doing the coping mechanisms we talked about?"

"Yes. They work every time... as well as some other ones I have made up myself."

"That sounds great, Buck!" You smiled widely, uncrossing your legs to nudge him on the leg. This was seriously good progress for him. He was fortunate enough to be one of the many people who benefit greatly from therapy. He was also fortunate enough to land a beautifully smart and friendly therapist to befriend. His smile widened briefly, "can you tell me what the ones you made are?"

Bucky hesitated, and you jumped onto that. "You know you don't have to," You soothed, waiting for his reply. He waved his hands dismissively.

"No, no I'll tell you." Bucky swallowed thickly, chuckling quietly to myself, "sorry... it's just weird."

"Nothing is weird to me anymore." You tried to gently ease him into to sharing. You wanted- needed- to know, but you didn't want to push him too far that he would close off for the rest of the session.

"It's you."


"Yes, you." Bucky nodded, "you keep me calm, so I just imagine you there with me and it honestly helps me so much... I know it's weird bu–"

"Buck, it's honestly not weird. I just want to be your friend and help you get better. As long as you aRe getting better, you can do it in whatever way you want."

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Not a problem."


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