BUCKY BARNES || Thanksgiving lunch

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Chatter bustled around the dining room as everyone sat at the table. A spread was down the middle of the table, free for anyone to grab as they please.

Thanksgiving was one of your favourite holidays for many reasons. The first one is the real emphasis it has on family. It's all about getting together with your family- or closest friends- and eating and having a great time. It makes your heart swell to see the Avengers all together, as it's hard to find a time where all are free. You also love that fact that you can all get together and not be burdened with having to buy gifts for each other like in Easter, Birthdays or Christmas's. It's way more relaxed and simplistic than that of other holidays.


"So you're Y/N Stark, right? Tony's kid?" Bucky Barnes said from across from me. You surged back into life, looking up from your plate. You were too zoned out to realise anyone was talking to you at first.

"Oh yes I am! Nice to meet you." You smiled, extending a hand for him to shake. He took it gently, giving you a soft smile and nod back.

"You too," he said, "how old are you?" Natasha scoffed then, shoving Bucky a she sat beside him.

"What?" He asked, mouth full of turkey.

"Don't be perverted, Barnes!" She exclaimed, laughing at the end of her sentence. Bucky held his arms up in defence as his eyes widened.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He gasped, turning to you, "I hope you didn't think I wa–"

"No no, don't worry about it." You chuckled, "I'm 17; a junior in high school."

Bucky sighed contently, nodding his head. "I can ~just~ remember when I was a teenager in the 30s." He smiled, memories come back to him in flashes, "gah it was great."

Your eyebrows raised in surprise, "you can still remember back that far?"

"Yeah most of it. The memorable stuff is obviously a lot clearer," he shrugged, "but oh god, the stuff Steve and I go-"

"Are you seriously going to start telling stories from when were teenagers, Buck, again?" Steve called from further down the table, "I was so awkward back then."

Everyone listening chorused into laughter, including both men. You simply smiled, taking in the happy atmosphere. It wasn't often that everyone was this happy... and that's why Thanksgiving was your favourite holiday.


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