TONY STARK • Birthday 'surprise'

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"Do you know what today is?" Beamed Tony, entering the kitchen while full of energy. You smirked, twirling a pen in your fingers.
"Mmm I don't know, Tony. What could it be?" You shrugged, taking a bite from your bagel. Tony walked over to you, grabbing the piece of bagel you'd just put back on your plate. You yelled out at him as he ate it, to which he held up a finger to silence you.
"It's my birthday. I can do what I want." He said, mouth full of food. You rolled your eyes and smiled, sliding off the bar stool so you could place the plate into the sink. You turned around to see him drinking your coffee, making you yell out again.
"Tony! Really?!" You groaned, picking up the cup as soon as he placed it down. You looked inside to see it essentially empty... just like your stomach.

You put that in the sink too, walking out of the kitchen. Tony followed you, skipping slightly. As you opened your bedroom door, Tony came flying in and landed on the bed with a loud thump. There was a groan, and then a tired Peter sitting up from it. "Mr-Mr Stark?" Peter stammered, pulling the sheets up over himself as much as he could. Tony jumped up from the bed, looking very shocked. He looked from you, to Peter, and back to you again. His eyes were almost bulging out of his head.

"What a great birthday surprise... The two youngest in the building... banging. Wow, ok. I'm gonna go." He laughed awkwardly, walking backwards out of the room. Peter's face was bright red with embarrassment, a hand coming up to his face. Once Tony left, Peter began talking.
"You could have told me he was coming!" He whispered harshly, slipping out of the bed to put some clothes on.
"Yeah sorry. He followed me- you know how he is on his Birthday." You sighed, walking towards him. He smiled sadly, holding his arms out. Peter gave you a quick kiss on the lips, grabbing his shirt from your desk chair.
"We should probably, uh, go explain ourselves." He chuckled, grabbing your hand and walking towards the door.


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