PETER PARKER • Whoops...

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"What the hell!?" You exclaimed as your best friend, Peter Parker climbed down from the ceiling in a Spider-Man suit.

"Omg! Y/N! Shhhh! Ummm... it's not what you think! It's uhhh, just a suit," he whispered urgently, trying to keep you quiet.

"YOU WERE ON THE FREAKING CEILING, PETER!" You hissed, "you're Spider-Man!?" 

"Yeeeaaah..." he whispered, not wanting you to yell again. You eyed him, what the hell was he thinking?

"Omg Peter... does May know?" You sighed. Peter almost laughed,

"no way, if she knew I would be dead," you were still utterly shocked and surprised from seeing him on the ROOF. THE ROOF GODDAMNIT!

Peter pressed the symbol on his chest and it fell away, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. He kicked away the suit as the door opened, May just saw Peter shirtless and you on his bed and assumed the worst, "oh god, sorry! I should've knocked!" You were horrified,

"May, no! We weren't..." but she was obviously set on that assumption.

"It's ok, just... be safe,"

"MAY!" Peter yelled.

'OH MY GOD!' You thought, this was the most awkward thing you'd ever experienced. It wasn't like you could say, 'oh May, no, peter and I weren't doing that, he was taking off his superhero costume,' could you? you just had to try and survive the awkwardness.


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