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"Should I be worried?" Sebastian asked, distantly running a hand through your hair, "It's been a while. It's never taken this long to confirm a role before."

He was trying to sound nonchalant, but the touchy undertones in his voice said otherwise. He was scared. Scared and disappointed. You knew how important landing this roll would be for him, and how heartbroken he would be if he found out someone else got it instead. So you held on to enough faith for the both of you.

"Babe. It's a Marvel Movie. They're beginning to get pretty popular nowadays. I'm sure they're just making sure that you're perfect before calling you." You smiled, looking up to meet his eyes. He sighed, hand falling to rest on your shoulder.

"They won't call me." He stated, "there were so many other guys that were way more buff and talented then what I will ever be."

"Don't talk like that, Seb." You scolded, tracing shapes on his chest, "YOU are amazing and talented and not to mention fucking hot!"

A ghost of a smile reached his lips. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead, pulling you in closer. "Thanks, babe, but we both know that he chances are slim."

He wasn't lying. The chances were slim. There were hundreds of men who auditioned for the role of James Buchanan Barnes, a handful of them being some pretty big names in Hollywood. But nonetheless, you still had faith. He was a fantastic actor, and you weren't just saying that because he's your boyfriend and you love him. He has done a spectacular job in previous roles, and you knew that this one would be the exact same if he landed it.

You looked at him for a moment, taking in his sad expression. "I know it will be hard if you don't get it, but just know that you have already got the most amazing role anyone would want."

Seb furrowed his eyebrows, "and that is?"

"Being my boyfriend." you smirked, sending him a wink. He broke into laughter, making your heart skip a beat. It's good to see him smiling again.

"I fucking love you." He breathed, giving you a well deserved kiss on the lips.

"I love yo–"

A phone ringing broke the sentimental moment. You would have groaned if it wasn't his agent calling. You picked up the phone, practically shoving it in his face, "ANSWER IT!!"

Seb answered the phone, replying with a bunch of basic responses. Suddenly, he put the call onto loud speaker. "Okay go. Have I gotten the role?"

There was a silence.

"Welcome to the MCU, Bucky Barnes."


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