LOKI || Fans

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Your breath hitched in your throat. Your grabbed at your friends arm, frozen in your spot. "Y/N. What are you doing?" She hissed, furrowing her eyebrows as she turned to you. She eventually followed your line of sight, and you saw the excitement cover her face. "By god." She whispered, smiling widely.
Before you, only a few meters in front, were two asguardian gods standing obliviously.

Thor and Loki Odinson.

"We need a picture." You said, straightening yourself back up. You ran a hand through your hair, making sure you looked presentable. Linking arms with your friend, the two of you walked over.

As you got increasingly close, your friend whispered, "ask him!"

You looked to the dark haired god, a small smile on your face. "Um- hi, would you mind taking a picture with us?" You asked as nicely as possible. Loki looked to his brother, smiling with slight satisfaction.

"Sure thing,"


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