STEVE ROGERS || Mourning Peggy {3}

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There he was. Steve sat out on the balcony, looking out at the bustling city around him. You swallowed thickly, contemplating on whether you should actually go out there. This conversation could really go one of two ways, regardless of the way you approach the situation.

"Fuck it." You whispered, walking quickly over to the glass door. You stepped out onto the balcony, subconsciously folding your jacket over your chest to shield yourself from the cold wind. Standing beside Steve, you waited a second before you spoke. "Did you mean what you said to me?" You lifted your head into the wind, feeling it push your hair behind your shoulders.

"Well... yes."

You didn't look at Steve, knowing that seeing his face would simply break your heart further. You dropped your head slightly.

"I've learnt, though, that I love Peggy in a different way to the how I love you."

You chuckled dryly, licking your lips as you stole a glance from the super soldier. "Bucky spoke to you, I'm assuming?" You only just saw him nod before he mumbled out his yes. "So I'm also assuming that he told you all of what he said to me?" Another nod. "And how I can't love you knowing that you don't feel wholeheartedly the same?"

"But I do—"

"I think we're better off as friends, Steve." You said, finally turning to him. He pursued his lips, thinning them out as far as he could.

"Y/N—" he tried to reason, but you just cut him off again.

"I can't, Steve. You made a mistake... being with me while you felt like that about someone else." You sighed, "and don't think that I don't love you. I do, but I don't want to be with someone who is deeply in love with their late ex-girlfriend."

Steve let out a huff, looking away briefly, "please... I can't lose both of you."

"I'm sorry," you said finally, heading back into the warmth of the tower.


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