STEVE ROGERS|| Questions and answers

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"Can you tell me what a sext is?

You almost got whiplash from now hard you turned your head to look at him. "A sext?" You repeat, not knowing if you heard correctly.

Steve shrugged innocently, "Yeah, a sext. Natasha told me that I should ask you about it."

You facepalmed. Bloody Natasha. She was always doing that. It somehow got to her that you had a crush on the super soldier, so she tried everything in her power to get the two of you together. It was sweet, you must admit, but she did it in the most obscure and embarrassing ways. Like right now.
Your cluelessly innocent crush was asking you what a sext was.

A sext.

You breathed in heavily, preparing yourself to answer. "Can't you just google it?" You breathed without even thinking. Steve shook his head.

"Natasha said that you had to tell me. She said I couldn't find out any other way." He insisted impatiently.

Your eyes widened. Letting out a quivering sigh, you answered. "Well," You began, making a face of hesitation, "it's when you send pictures to someone of your..." you nodded at him, seeing if he would get the message.

His eyebrows furrowed for a moment.
"My wha... oh- ooh my god." His hand slowly came up to his mouth. "That is... that is strange. Alright. Okay. I'm gonna go now. This conversation got really awkward." Steve sped away, not turning back.

You stood, stunned and silently cursing your best friend, Natasha Romanoff.


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