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"Welcome, Avengers, to the annual nerf war!" Rhodey smiled, standing before the group of slightly overexcited adults, "we will play many rounds, the first of which being in pairs. Last pair standing will win... something... I don't know yet." There was a chuckle across the room as Rhodey continued, "so pick your pairs, and write them on the whiteboard. From there, you will position yourself around the centre piece and wait for further instruction."

"It's like we're in school again and Rhodie is the weird English teacher that likes to recreate moments from her favourite dystopian book series." You sighed, looking around the room as everyone made their partnerships.

"Okay... weird description but okay..." Natasha laughed, "so do you want to write our name up or shall I?"

You did a double take, "w-what? Who said we were partners?"

"Me. Just then. Now go write us up." Natasha said, nudging you with a smile.

Wide-eyed, you got up to meet Rhodey by the whiteboard. He held the whiteboard marker out to you, waiting for you to take it."Y/N! Who are you with today for your first year?"

You took the marker from Rhodey, writing yours and Natasha's name to the bottom of the list. Rhodey choked on his own saliva, trying to cover his surprise with a cough. "Natasha?! How great!" Rhodey coughed, gesturing to the direction the two you needed to go on.

"Come on, Nat!" You called, beginning to walk where Rhodey pointed. You looked around you, seeing the other teams. Thor and Captain America, Tony and Peter, Wanda and Vision- it was intense. Everyone stood tall and proud, delivering their best game faces.

"Oh my God." You whispered, looking to Nat as she came up beside you, "this seems so serious."

Nat laughed, clapping you on the shoulder, "just you wait, kid."


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