PIETRO MAXIMOFF || Mother Nature

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Sometimes you felt as if mother nature understood you better than most people. It always ended up reflecting the emotions you were feeling at the particular time. When you were happy, the sun was shining down upon the city. When you were sad, it was cold and dark, sometimes even raining. The simple answer could be that your emotions are simply weighed by the weather outside... but you think of it as Mother Nature herself making an attempt to sympathise with you.

Today, it was thunderstorms and lighting. You leant your head against the cold window, watching almost silently as the rain cascaded down the tiled roofs around you. The only thing that was making any noise was the soft tapping of the pads of your fingers on the wooden window ledge. The rest of you was eerily still and silent.

Well on the outside, that is.

On the inside your lungs were heaving for a full breath, and your mind was as sporadic as landfill. Nothing was comprehending in your brain besides the sorrow and flashing memories of the hours before. You didn't know how long you were in there before your bedroom door was opening. Warm light from the hallway poured into your dark room, lighting up your peripheral vision. You, thinking about how it could have easily been your cat, stayed leant on the window. 

You did jump out of your skin, however, when you felt a warm hand on your shoulder. Your body turned around faster than light as a throaty yelp escaped your lips. You were met by your blonde haired neighbour, Pietro. He smiled softly at you, it flattering slightly when he didn't see your usual smile back.

"What are you doing here? Why did you just let yourself in?" You asked, face flushed from temporary fear. Pietro made a hesitant face.
"Long story short... I saw the weather." He said shyly.
"Excuse me?" You knew exactly what he was talking about, but wanting him to continue nonetheless.
"I've picked up on weirdly accurate things. Like how the weather can somehow- miraculously- reflect your mood for the day. When it's sunny, I can hear you jumping about and singing through the incredibly thin walls. And when it's raining, I hear silence... or sad music. It's easy to pick up on. I did notice the thunderstorm outside, so I wanted to make sure you were okay. You didn't answering door and it was unlocked... so here I am"

You let out a shaky breath. Swallowing thickly, you patted the space on the bed next to you. You also spun around completely so your back could lean onto the cold window.
"You're completely correct. It's literally as if Mother Nature can feel my emotions as they come and go. And yes. It is thundering." The rain lightened slightly, but it was still pouring down tremendously. You continued, "and the answer is... I'm not okay. My family dog. The one I grew up with, got put down today. She was 11 and had severe arthritis. She was in a bad way."

Pietro's mouth opened slightly in shock. "Oh my god. Come here." He whispered, opening his arms. You moved slowly into them, allowing his arms to wrap themselves around you. They were so warm and comforting, and for a moment, the rain stopped.


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