WANDA MAXIMOFF • Dear best friend

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You cried. You felt like you'd never stop crying.

Nobody could console you but one person... but she was gone. You'd seen the love of your life fade, your close friends and most painfully of all, your best friend, Wanda. She'd meant more to you than anything, you thought that you'd be together forever, friends until you were old and grey but she was ripped from your grasp.

Whenever you cried before, she'd been there to hold you, to tell you everything would be okay, and you'd done the same for her. But now you felt so alone. So empty and hurt that you felt you might either scream or die. Either way wasn't ideal. If you saw her once more, you'd tell her all the things you wanted to say, hold her in your arms and cry together. If only you had more time. If only.

You walked to the cemetery, crying the entire way there. As you approached her plaque, you graced your fingertips over it, gently whispering, "if you're out there Wanda, please know I love you. I'll always hold you in my heart and you made me who I am today. If not for you, I'd be super boring, and honestly, probably dead," you laughed a little. A soft breeze blew across your face, you didn't know if you'd ever feel okay again.


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