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~January 16th 2018~
Tom brought me a journal today, he says it's relaxing to keep one. I don't see how, but I'll give it a shot, just for him. He keeps one too and promised he won't look in mine, I'm glad because if I'm doing this, I'm doing it right, secrets and all are going in here.

~January 27th 2018~
I haven't written for a while, but that's because there's been nothing to write about, until today. I'm pregnant. It wasn't planned and honestly, I'm terrified. I haven't told Tom yet, I'm afraid of how he'll take it. I plan to tell him tonight when he gets home, I still don't know what we'll do with the baby.

~January 29th 2018~
After speaking with Tom, I feel so much better. He was happy and understanding and he shed a light on the whole situation. We've decided to keep the baby and we're letting the public know as soon as I'm showing. I worry about what people will say if they find out it was an accident. The way I see it, it doesn't matter, we want this baby now, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

~February 22nd 2018~
Today one of Tom's fan noticed the baby bump and tweeted about it and it went viral, I responded with a little winky face and now the internet is going mad. Most people say that pregnancy is horrible and painful, but carrying this unplanned miracle is making me see the hope and love in things. Maybe I'll get to all the suffering later on. Tom has been like a personal assistant. He won't leave my side and constantly asks if I'm comfortable. I know he'll be a great dad.


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