PETER PARKER || first aid

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Your phone buzzed, dimly lighting up your room from the bedside table. You clawed at it, half asleep and tired. Your eyes stung from the brightness of your phone screen, but you rubbed enough to help them adjust. It was a text message from your older brother. "Come to my room."

You hit your head back onto your pillow. It was 1am. You enjoyed sleeping. You furrowed your eyebrows when the realisation finally set it. It was 1am. Why were you needed? "Wtf why."

"Pls. It's important." The reply was almost instant.
You rolled out of bed with a huff, wrapping yourself in your comfortable dressing gown. What could he possibly want?! It was so early, and you had to get up again for school in only 5-6 hours. You needed as much sleep as possible.

You edged open the door, gasping at the sight before you. Your brother was sitting on his bed, leaning back onto the wall. Bruises and cuts decorated his body, as well as dried blood around his nose. Your jaw dropped to the floor as he held a finger to his lips. It was his way of saying "don't you dare call for aunt May. Shut the hell up."

You sped walked over to him, looking at his injuries up and down. What the hell happened to him?! This was beyond something he could do to himself. He must of snuck out, got into a fight- you didn't want to think about it. Surely your big brother was too smart for that.

"Peter; what the fuck." You whispered, standing beside him. He looked to you with pained eyes, flinching in pain every time he had to move. You were so confused and worried. You grabbed the first aid box as quickly and as quietly as you could, also grabbing a wet cloth.

You began to stitch him up silently, thinking of what you were supposed to say. How could this happen to him? Who did it? Was he mugged?

You eventually finished, putting the box to the side. You laid him down properly onto his bed, laying the blanket softly over his body. "Now, tell me what the hell happened to make you this injured." You whisper shouted.

"I- I can't tell you."

"Don't be a dick. Tell me." You snapped, "tell me or I'll tell aunt May that you snuck out and got hurt."
Peter sighed, moving slightly. He winced in pain, taking deep breaths to control it.

"Look at the pile of clothes in the corner of the room. Near the window." Was all he said.

You looked at him hesitantly, but he looked all too serious. You walked over to it, seeing blue and red all over it. You picked up the pile of clothes- that actually happened to be one big piece of clothing.

Your breath left your body. Spider-Man. It was the Spider-Man suit in your hands. He was the web-slinging hero. You clutched it to your body, going back over to him.

"You're SPIDER-MAN?" You spoke quietly, but he still hushed you. Your expression stayed the same.

"Yes. Now can you shut up, not tell Aunt May, and leave me to heal?" He seethed. You nodded numbly, putting the suit back into the corner of the room. You even hid it underneath his backpack and school books so it was covered.

You left the room, getting back into bed. What. The. Frick. Your brother had way more secrets than you originally though.


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