SEBASTIAN STAN • safety in numbers

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"Seb?" You whispered, all you could manage to do was whisper, it was supposed to be a yell. But when fear and pain fill your brain, all that comes out is a whisper. The car was upside down. You were bleeding but alive, Seb... where's Seb? You had to get out of this seat, you reached up and clicked the button holding in place. Someone ran over and pulled you out of the car. You screamed, wanting them to let you save your husband and baby, Layla in the back. You stood up and went to go back when you were temporarily blinded by a bright orange light.

The car exploded, you screamed, "Seb! Layla!" You fell to your knees, your whole life just seemingly burned in front of you. You couldn't move until a silhouette holding a bundle became visible against the flames. Seb and your young daughter walked over to you, he was shirtless, he'd used it to cover Layla from the smoke. You ran to him, he was covered in soot and scrapes and bruises but neither of you cared. You kissed him, the most relieved and happy kiss ever, you never thought you'd get another. You took Layla into your arms and held her tight.

Cami wrote it- Elle read it and changed literally one thing whilst editing ;)

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