CHRIS EVANS • hopelessly devoted

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Day after day, year after year, he said nothing of his affection. He kept it all inside, knowing that you were happy with someone else, that you didn't need him to create more drama in your life. He watched with a fake smile as your life around you flourished.

He was happy for you, yes, but something in his gut made him feel disappointed that it wasn't him there with you. Everyone around you knew about Chris' undeniable affection for you, often mentioning it to each other in the early hours of the morning. It was weird, how a charming guy like Chris couldn't take his eyes of one woman. It was thought that popular actors like Chris would bounce around like ping balls, dating anyone in sight.

He did try and date for a while, but they always came to a screeching halt when they realised his feelings towards you. He loved you until your life came to an unfortunate end... after a semi rolled and crashed into your car.

"love you," He whispered to the gravestone before him, placing down flowers. He looked around the empty graveyard, trying to focus on something else besides your death. He didn't want to cry... he was stronger than this. But the harder he tried not to, the harder he knew he would crash and burn.

Sebastian was there when your death first hit him. The pair were at Sebastian's house, watching movies. About half way through, Sebastian couldn't help but notice Chris moving uncomfortably from next to him. "Hey, you ok?" He asked softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Chris shook his head, his cries becoming more noticeable. Seb sighed audibly, moving closer to the crying Chris.

"I never got to tell her." Chris sobbed, meeting Sebastian's eyes, "I should have told her."

Edited bitchessss

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