T'CHALLA || Hobart, Tasmania

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"So where are we again?" Tchalla asked, looking around the darkened and almost deserted streets. He had a big jacket wrapped around him as the sun began to set; one of the many new clothing items you got him whilst in Australia.

"Hobart, it's called." You hummed in reply, linking your arm with his. "And believe it or not, this is the capital of the state."

T'challa stopped on the footpath, looking to you with raised eyebrows, "tHIS small place is the capital?"

You nodded, shrugging your shoulders, "in no way like Wakanda or New York, is it?" You chuckled.

"Yeah..." T'challa began to walk again, allowing you to lead the way to dinner; he had no idea where as to where you were doing. You eventually ended up outside a pub called The Shamrock.

"I hope it's not fully booked," you remembered suddenly, "it's usually quite busy."  You hoped and prayed for an empty table as you walked inside. An extremely nice lady smiled at the two of you, asking if you had a booking. "No sorry!" You apologised, "we were just hoping for an empty table for the two of us."

She nodded with her assuming smile, "I am quite confident that we can find a place for just the two of you." She winked, leading us to an empty table. The two of you thanked her as she made her way back to the entry.

"This is nice." T'Challa summarised, taking off his jacket.

"It is, isn't it." You replied, "you know, I'm glad you agreed to come. As you know, I grew up in multiple places that are all some hours away from here, so this whole state is really where I feel the safest. This is like a little window into my life. Soon enough, maybe tomorrow or the next day, we can go up the north, or even to the west coast!"

T'Challa nodded at your excitement, not bothering to disguise his smile as he looked at the menu. You were so happy here. It was your home. He knew that he was going to do whatever you say for the next week, as all he wanted was for you to be happy.


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