PETER QUILL || Unrequited

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He turned to face you, a small playing on his lips. He tried to act natural, but simply the sound of your voice make his heart soar. He was totally, utterly and undeniably in love with you. He had been for a while now, the love surging and growing into a great firey ball of feelings. He could have just gently grabbed you then and kissed you; but he didn't. He could have also confessed his love on the spot; but he didn't do that either. He just put all of his attention onto you, waiting for you to speak.
"...can you pass it? Please?"

Peter shook his head, realising that you had already spoken. He laughed awkwardly, resting a hand on his forehead. "Sorry I did not listen to what you just said... can you repeat it please." He apologised.
You sighed as you rolled your eyes playfully, leading into a small smirk.

"Can you please pass me the food?" You asked again, raising your eyebrows whilst pointing at the bag of chips next to him.
He made an audible 'ah' noise, grabbing the chips and passing them to your open hands. You smiled warmly. His heart grew. You thanked him. He blushed.

Peter had never loved anyone as much as he loves you. He thought he loved Gamora, but in retrospect it was nothing compared to what he had for you. He was so blind by the idea of having a close female friend that he didn't realise the difference between loving platonically and romantically. He loved Gamora platonically. He loves you romantically. The difference is substantial.

"Y/N?" He asked softly. You hummed warmly in response. Peter opened his mouth to speak, catching himself right before disaster.

"Peter? What is it?" You asked worriedly, turning your body completely towards him. He felt his face heat up in embarrassment. He made a mistake. Abort mission. Abort mission. "Pe-"

"What's your favourite colour?" He blurted suddenly and abruptly.

You paused. "My favourite colour?" You hesitated, laughing subtly. "Yellow. You?"



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